multi-strain grow


Any pointers anybody has on a 26 strain grow harvest, I would love to hear. I am 4 weeks into my first grow. Didnt understand how badly i was complicating my life with so many strains. Built a proper facility and everything is going well. Thinking about the harvest and the final flush. Many ways to skin a cat.

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
You're in for a real treat come harvest time, I thought I was bad doing 8 at once. I'm currently doing four. What's ur medium? From my expirence your biggest issues will be height, flowering time, and feeding schedule. Good luck!


Hmmmmmmm. The black ash and such I have read about you are calling bullshit on? I have one auto that is ready today if I dont flush it. I will take your advice and harvest it with no flush and see if I can tell a difference


Well-Known Member
pretend you are a cook and 26 people just walked in they all want something different to eat.

you'll need a pocket scope to check out the trichs on each plant to determine when to harvest.

i do hempy buckets. i just give them a 24hr flush and change the water 3 times. then chop right before lights come on.

i would retract the when to flush question. that usually ignites a shitstorm on this site.


indeed it has been a chore. I have the height and feeding all figured out. They are done with the stretch. I evened out the canopy by using a few three and five gallon buckets. The feeding takes about an hour a day. I water them as needed, about every other day, (3 gallon fabric pots). They are in Coco and im using Advanced nutes A and B, mother of all bloom, bud candy, B-52.

Can you see the attached pic?


Well-Known Member
I have a scope. Wait until 1/3 of trichomes are amber and then harvest?
i go for 10% but 1/3 isn't too bad. 100%milky would be the perfect time IMO.

you could kinda set them up in your area by indicas toward teh front and sativas toward the back. the front will be first to harvest.

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
Yeah you can see it, I never owned a scope. I just go by most of the hairs turning, you'll know the will stop growing and start losing leaves.