Fuck the POLICE
@mr sunshine
at 5 i woke up to cops raiding my house looking for my older brother ......i opened my bedroom door with a gun in my face yelling where is he where is he
at 15 i sawl a cop a state trooper fucking a coked up 14 year old in the laundry room at a house party a dealer was throwing(jason fox)
18-24 do not ask about multi run ins some they were dicks some they were cool (but i had info on the state trooper) ...i did a little time in the local lock up for weed
cops are 2classes of ppl
1 is the white knight upholding the law because it is the law....they want to help ppl...normally decent ppl
2 is the power tripping freaks that like having control over other ppl
a subclass of cop is the COs in jail and prison ......they are wannabe cops but they failed some part of the cops exam and ended up where they have some control over ppl to fill that power trip/white knight complex
the last few years cops have been getting worst .......i been pulled over and searched just because i have convictions and the cops were bored (i know not to ride dirty ....now i can up to 10 grams so that is personal plus getting a few ppl stoned for some event)
some cities like NY have a stop search question policy .....that is a strait up against the laws 4th amendment ....but it is alllowed
called stop and frisk ........it is still allowed know the rules where u are .........and if u try throwing it make sure it is more then 50 yards other wise anything with in 50 yards becomes yours
before u go in read this and understand what u need to say and what does not matter for shit .........understand if u file it the cop will get the info tho a buddy or something
final part .........before u do anything always yell i am in fear for my life .......they have to prove otherwise at the trail so if the cop gets frisky killed in self defense and your complaint helps u