Why do they try to make Bernie look like a goof ball?

I certainly hope you're correct. It really doesn't make a difference as long as it's Clinton or Sanders. It's batshit crazy harbinger of liberal naïveté vs outright lying, perfect criminal example of Democrat narcissism. Either way, it's gonna be a fantastic spectacle of implosion.

the most fantastic spectacle of implosion on this forum came from you, 54-40.

stop projecting.

at least a white supremacist cop liked your comment though.
negatory, officer georgie..650,000 constituents have donated out of their pockets to bernie sanders with an average of $30 per..no super pac necessary..amazing things happen when people come together and don't listen to the media, which, btw are the bbbbbbbbbillionaires:mrgreen:

see @Harrekin quote in my sig.
You could have at least quoted the whole thing.

And Social Democracy is not what you loons want from Bernie Sanders, you want full blown socialism.

But in reality, you don't really know what you want.
You could have at least quoted the whole thing.

And Social Democracy is not what you loons want from Bernie Sanders, you want full blown socialism.

But in reality, you don't really know what you want.
Bernie Sanders? More like Bernie Madoff. He sounds like more of a crook than Obama
sounds..i believe..i think..lemme know when it's FACT, republipuke.
It's a fact. Bernie's economic plan calls for 18 trillion in new spending,
and jobs being sent immediately over seas

yup and guess where we're getting the money?:mrgreen: funny, i don't see a 'jobs overseas' column.
How are you going to keep rich people and jobs in the country if Bernie is taxing them 90%:confused:
Notice how every other country welcomes American companies with open arms?
Democrats here in America demonize successful people on a daily basis