Amir's first grow (lots of helps needed here)


Hi guys im new here
And this is my grow diary
Seeds: 1xCritical kush 1xBubba kush and 2xAk47
Grow room: 2x1x2m
Light: 400w MH
Temperature/humidity: 25c/65%
Medium: coco-perlite
Nutrients: 20-20-20 NPK and cal-mag+N

Today I've just planted critical kush in her new little house (a paper cup) and named her Kamelia (that's a Persian name and i like that)
Ak47s are sprouting slowly (it's been 2 days since I've put them into towels)
Bubba kush doesn't look good that seed was hardly damaged but i won't give up on her easily
Well that's for today
Pls subscribe and have an eye on me and my girls
Peace ✌

303 Homegrown

New Member
Nice I love those Strains. I am looking forward to what you have going on good luck. I just got my first cuts and started a grow journal my self.


Well-Known Member
Some advice. That coco is way too wet for a seedling. You can expect root rot/damping off if you continue. I would replant it. Do not use ANY fertilizer for a few weeks until you get some growth going. At that point, a diluted nute mix of a half to a quarter strength. Treat them very gently at this stage. They are very fragile. Get rid of that paper cup. It will most likely deteriorate on you before you are ready to transplant. Best of luck. Oh, and a huge key is ph of 5.7-5.9. Nothing else or you will face nutrient lockout. You can get away with ph being off a bit now and again, but keep it out of that range consistently and you will have issues.


Time to a little update
Kamelia (critical kush) has took her head out of coco and she's so cute
She's a little bit faster than ak47s
She germinated in 2 days
And now 2 days in coco
Ak47s germinated in 3 days
The damaged bubba kush still under towels(4 days) seems she won't germinate easily she was hardly damaged
Temperature is 25 degrees and humidity decreased to 55%
I was afraid of high humidity as it was 70 but that 400w MH lamp decreased the humidity so fast
The lamp is 150cm far than paper cups and it was running 24hrs for 2 days i i think thats the reason why humidity is coming down
So im gonna give it a 6hrs of dark and see the results
I believe 18hrs is kinda enough
But maybe those girls like to have 24hrs in their first week so im not gonna trun it off lol
So thats for today guys
Peace ✌


Some advice. That coco is way too wet for a seedling. You can expect root rot/damping off if you continue. I would replant it. Do not use ANY fertilizer for a few weeks until you get some growth going. At that point, a diluted nute mix of a half to a quarter strength. Treat them very gently at this stage. They are very fragile. Get rid of that paper cup. It will most likely deteriorate on you before you are ready to transplant. Best of luck. Oh, and a huge key is ph of 5.7-5.9. Nothing else or you will face nutrient lockout. You can get away with ph being off a bit now and again, but keep it out of that range consistently and you will have issues.
And something about ph dude
I dont have any ph lower solution
My water ph is about 6.5
I don't have a ph pen but ph paper testers so when i say 6.5 it might be 6.3-6.8
is it necessary to lower the ph now? It's just not too far
And if yes can i use a few drops of lemon juice to lower ph?
Or pure acid?


Well-Known Member
PH is not imperative now. But will be once you start with nutes. Lemon juice will work. Vinegar will work. A ph pen will be a very worthwhile investment. IMHO PH and calmag are the two most important parts to growing in coco.


PH is not imperative now. But will be once you start with nutes. Lemon juice will work. Vinegar will work. A ph pen will be a very worthwhile investment. IMHO PH and calmag are the two most important parts to growing in coco.
So vinegar or lemon juice wont hurt plants?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Hi guys im new here
And this is my grow diary
Seeds: 1xCritical kush 1xBubba kush and 2xAk47
Grow room: 2x1x2m
Light: 400w MH
Temperature/humidity: 25c/65%
Medium: coco-perlite
Nutrients: 20-20-20 NPK and cal-mag+N

Today I've just planted critical kush in her new little house (a paper cup) and named her Kamelia (that's a Persian name and i like that)
Ak47s are sprouting slowly (it's been 2 days since I've put them into towels)
Bubba kush doesn't look good that seed was hardly damaged but i won't give up on her easily
Well that's for today
Pls subscribe and have an eye on me and my girls
Peace ✌
View attachment 3521927
Just some fyi I'm growing AK 47 myself and the bitch stinks had to get a vent fan real quick hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
It will affect PPM slightly. But..... if you are not measuring for ppms you wont know it lol! A PPM meter is another valuable cheap addition to your gardening "kit" Only $10 on ebay.


What's up rollitup
New update
I know im over updating but i like to
1.Kamelia(CK)is a 4-5cm tall now
2.Anahitia(AK47) is after her
3.Wania(AK47) has grown up this morning, this seed was root rounded
4.coco seems very moist, really dont had to water them since 4days ago when i planted them but today I just gave them a little
5.humidity decreased a lot and its about 50-60
6.i decided to keep my light 24hrs on for first week
Peace ✌





Today i faced with my first problem
Little seedlings were stretching Because the light was too far away as it was a HID lamp

When i realized that I've added some soil and switched mh lamp to cfls and its 30cm far from seedlings
