How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

Bernie handed his balls to Hilldabeast in the first debate proving he is an unserious fraud and his followers ignorant AND gullible.'ve been listening to power hour again, haven't you?

it's actually too late my friend..bernie sanders is well entrenched in the fabric of our nations 2016 race for the presidency..we have moved swiftly and silently under the cover of darkness (no media)..:mrgreen:

How Bernie Sanders Tech Volunteers Code the Bern


perhaps you'd like to C&P a chili recipe?..:lol:
let me know, when you know, it's not possible..until then..

they're whipping you up, getting you scared..and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

the current economic model hasn't worked great for? forever, henny penny?

think about this: what do you gain? what do they lose?..the proper shifting that should of occurred a long time ago:


because..-45%=32%..fact of the matter's too'll never win.

there are those who've been working relentlessly behind the scenes, in the still of the night, to take back this country.
let me know, when you know, it's not possible..until then..

they're whipping you up, getting you scared..and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

the current economic model hasn't worked great for? forever, henny penny?

think about this: what do you gain? what do they lose?..the proper shifting that should of occurred a long time ago:


because..-45%=32%..fact of the matter's too'll never win.

there are those who've been working relentlessly behind the scenes, in the still of the night, to take back this country.
Bernie handed his balls to Hilldabeast in the first debate proving he is an unserious fraud and his followers ignorant AND gullible.
I'm not a fan of the commie's policies but definitely a fan of the man.

He's taking criticism for not bashing his opponents, personally I find that refreshing.
I'm not a fan of the commie's policies but definitely a fan of the man.

He's taking criticism for not bashing his opponents, personally I find that refreshing.
If you think it is just the high road Bernie is walking then please reread what you quoted of me.
not when employers demand a 4-year degree for a $12/hour position that 100 others have applied for..all with 4 year degrees.

you're out of touch, red..what's sissy cooking for dinner tonight?
Perhaps you are out of touch. I make a lot more than that and never went to college. Or they just be telling you that to get rid of you. Employers are reluctant to hire those who have been long term unemployed.
Bernie Sanders has a political platform unlike any other because he's the only candidate discussing many issues real, thinking Americans care about.
Let's not forget his contributions to science. Remember his invention of the time machine?imagesB22OI0L2.jpg
The Democratic debate focused on issues, not a bunch of people slamming each other and then dancing around policies giving empty answers. I'm pretty sure you didn't realize this. It's not entertainment television.
I am pretty sure it was the Bernie and Hillary show. Both competing on who can give away the most free stuff. Did they talk about ISIS? Putin? The Ukraine? The Iran deal? Israel? One side-stepped Bengazi question filled you up then? It was a joke. Yes, almost as much as the republican debates. 2 for entertainment. 1 a coronation masquerading as a softball game. Greece has had 70 yo socialists running things for decades. How is that working out? Oh wait the models are further north...
listen, white supremacist, if we wanted to listen to what fox news had to say, we would watch.

there is no need for you to regurgitate that crap again here.

now go join another white supremacy group and start your 9th sock puppet, wileycoyote.

There is free college? It's worthless now because it's filled with 85 iq, no high school people who don't use punctuation.
That's how people know it's just money spinning and the stupid dopes who won't have a job anyway are just stupid pawns.
Sorry to bust your supremacist bubble
I am pretty sure it was the Bernie and Hillary show. Both competing on who can give away the most free stuff. Did they talk about ISIS? Putin? The Ukraine? The Iran deal? Israel? One side-stepped Bengazi question filled you up then? It was a joke. Yes, almost as much as the republican debates. 2 for entertainment. 1 a coronation masquerading as a softball game. Greece has had 70 yo socialists running things for decades. How is that working out? Oh wait the models are further north...
What a retard actually they did talk about many of those topics that you listed..
@Uncle Ben if Republicans really wanted to be out of our everyday lives, then why are they so adamant about banning gay marriage? Shouldn't that be a question left up to the individual? Whatever happened to the 1st Amendment? What about how a majority of Republicans think Islam should be banned? What ever happened to freedom of religion? No, no, let's just impose Christianity and Christian beliefs on everybody.
Name one Republican who has said Islam should be banned.
Patriot Act = Republican
Voted in by Democrats
Domestic Spying = started under a Republican
Continued and expanded by a Democrat
Abortion bans = Republican (Out of our lives, but into a woman's uterus!)
There are no abortion bans
Department of Homeland Security = Largest governmental Department ever created with some of the furthest reach into the private lives of citizens... is a Republican creation.
Voted in by Democrats
Increased TSA checks = Republican
TSA checks were increased? I don't think so.
Voter ID laws = Republican
Enacted before there was even a Republican Party

And more than half of the Supreme Court are "lefties?" Are you just willfully ignorant?

John Roberts = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Antonio Scalia = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Anthony Kennedy = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Clarence Thomas = appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Stephen Bayer = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Samuel Alito = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Sonia Sotomayor = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Elena Kagan = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)

So I'm not sure if you can do math, but when 5 Justices are appointed by Republicans, and 4 are appointed by Democrats, that makes what? Over half lefties? No, you're just terrible at math. Republicans control SCOTUS 5 Republican nominees to 4 Democrat nominees, do you see how this works? There is however a very fascinating phenomena that happens with Justices that over time their views shift a little bit more progressive because they are appointed for life/until they retire and don't really have to answer to anyone, so they *gasp* follow the law and go to our constitution, and sometimes they even believe that the constitution should be a living document rather than a static document
So you claim they're Righties, then go on to describe how they became Lefties.
Are you just willfully ignorant?