Whoaah the officers injuries [at 22:45] MUST have been staged, there's no way a 17 year old did that to him. The officer must have done that to himself, once removed from the scene, to save his own ass knowing what he had just done was murder.http://thepeoplevsjonathanfrost.tumblr.com/
A more in depth look.
Imagine if Deven Guilford had been black? Black lives matter ...
We've had a few of these cops with questionable demeanor killing folks with impunity in our small communities without any real media or public interest. William Reddie being killed in his living room as the cops came to take his son per a family court (CPS) warrant given on a baseless complaint that they themselves had filed still haunts me today ...
Michigan leads this country in dire need of true justice system reform from use of force to the abuse of forfeiture laws.
One thing I've noticed with police shootings is the escalation of the amount of bullets they fire now a days,doesn't seem to matter what the violation is and whether they are in any real danger. They always empty their guns and will reload and do it again sometimes. They must be trained to do this. Maybe the bean counters think it's cheaper to pay for wrongful death than life long care if they just cripple them.
You are correct in that cops are emptying magazines now, but it isn't for the reason you suggest.
The truth is simple;
They don't want witnesses to their murders.
A scared little bitch with a glock 17 can really let em fly..They panic and these semi auto's are damn near fully auto.
My biggest beef with cops is most are really dumb, they aren't smart enough to de escalate a situation.
Just think, if this young man simply complied with the officer this thread wouldn't even exist. instead a 17 year old kid tried his hand at practicing roadside youtube law and lost his first case. Every action has a reaction which can be clearly seen in the in the video above. The end results are both of their families are stuck trying to put together the pieces and do the best they can to move on.