You guys have gone way beyond gun "control" Your country is broken re the gun culture. The guns are out there and there not coming back so now what? Arm everyone? Well thats a thought. But then I read about the Home Depo shooting thing, now thats fucking scary, some stupid ass with a gun trying to be robo coo. Perhaps more severe penalties for illegal possession, thats also a possible solution. Should throw that bitch into prison for being a retard. Whats with this racist thing, I have to admit that I have never really been exposed to racism but my dad and gramps were from south Florida and didnt take kindly to them folk
. As a kid growing up I accepted their beliefs as just the way it was for them, as stupid as it was. Where I live I there were no other minorities, first black kid I knew came into our high school in my second last year. But how can gun purchases be more allowable for white people than others? I'm not doubting the statement, just trying to understand how that could be done. It just shocks the hell out of me the amount of gun violence that you guys experience down there. The little girl getting shot over a car getting cut off WTF!!! As much as I would love to own a hand gun for hunting, (I bow hunt black bear and yup a side arm would be just perfect lol) I realize that once the floodgate opens, its never gonna close. The evidence is just step across a border. I dont worry about the fact some crazy is gonna burst into my house and kill me, I worry about the kid who gets caught up in the shit, kills someone, and it has just ruined a whole bunch of lives. It is people that kill people, but given that a hand gun is easier to buy than box of kleenex then yes thats the problem. Chris Rock had it right! Charge $5000 for one bullet, there'd be a whole lot less "innocent bystanders" shot.