DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

hi Guys, thanks for all the good info you share here! :)
I have a tent 3.2x3.2x6.5, it stands in a room @68F (20C) and is ventilated with 350m3/h extractor. I want to light it with 3x 3x CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30G. I know only basics of electricity & I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall trying to make the calculations by myself. Could you help me with the math?

I found a driver Mean Well OWA-60U-42, is it good enough to power 3 leds at around 50W each? if not, could you recommend me smth? ideally if it was available on Mouser, this is where I'm going to order my stuff.

how far should I keep the light from canopy?
you prolly want to read some internet, I strongly suggest golden source of info in one place :)

Apparently you should do some reading because thats one Ive already read and just skimmed through again to not find answers to any of the questions I asked :P The only thing I got out of that was I think cxb might be better than cxa (someone correct me if im wrong)

Example of what exactly Id like to know. You posted about CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30G. But i also see a CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30H when I look at ab bin cxb3070. Whats the difference? Edit- I just now found even another minor change in the model number cxa3070-0000-000n00ab30h. Whats the difference of "N0H" and "N00"

Find it funny you take the time to tell someone to "read some internet" then follow up with a post asking basic questions you could find the answer to in less time than it took you to type :P
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Apparently you should do some reading because thats one Ive already read and just skimmed through again to not find answers to any of the questions I asked :P The only thing I got out of that was I think cxb might be better than cxa (someone correct me if im wrong)

Example of what exactly Id like to know. You posted about CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30G. But i also see a CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30H when I look at ab bin cxb3070. Whats the difference? Edit- I just now found even another minor change in the model number cxa3070-0000-000n00ab30h. Whats the difference of "N0H" and "N00"

Find it funny you take the time to tell someone to "read some internet" then follow up with a post asking basic questions you could find the answer to in less time than it took you to type :P

all the answers are in the cree cxb3070 datasheet.
all the answers are in the cree cxb3070 datasheet.

Thanks for being helpful posting the same thing someone else already said without answering any of the questions. Ive been reading for over 4 hours straight since posting (nearly a year of following and reading about led grows) so no this is not a case of someone being too lazy to look. I just had some trouble understanding those few specific things I asked about. If you look back to my original post here youll see Ive been updating as I find the info I was looking for.

Anyways at this point I just need to know some reliable and trusted sources for the 3070s. Ive never ordered something like this before so Im not familiar with reputable places to order from and how to find good bins. Vertical, Mouser, Digikey are the ones I have been looking at so far but not seeing the good bins in stock. Seen some mention of a "jerry" and "kingbright" anymore info on that? Im not in a huge rush so if waiting can get me better bins for the price how would I go about doing that?

Can I get a couple links to the specific models and vendors I should be looking at? Pretty big investment which is why Im here asking questions before spending a couple grand to find out I got the wrong stuff :/ I dont need or want the biggest baddest best thing on the market right now. Im thinking I would like to go with 3070 "ab" bin unless theres a better one at the same price. The cxa and cxb look to be the same price is there any reason to pick one of the other? Is the 3590 worth the nearly double price of 3070 Im seeing on mouser?
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Thanks for being helpful posting the same thing someone else already said without answering any of the questions. Ive been reading for over 4 hours straight since posting (nearly a year of following and reading about led grows) so no this is not a case of someone being too lazy to look. I just had some trouble understanding those few specific things I asked about. If you look back to my original post here youll see Ive been updating as I find the info I was looking for.

Anyways at this point I just need to know some reliable and trusted sources for the 3070s. Ive never ordered something like this before so Im not familiar with reputable places to order from and how to find good bins. Vertical, Mouser, Digikey are the ones I have been looking at so far but not seeing the good bins in stock. Seen some mention of a "jerry" and "kingbright" anymore info on that? Im not in a huge rush so if waiting can get me better bins for the price how would I go about doing that?

Can I get a couple links to the specific models and vendors I should be looking at? Pretty big investment which is why Im here asking questions before spending a couple grand to find out I got the wrong stuff :/ I dont need or want the biggest baddest best thing on the market right now. Im thinking I would like to go with 3070 "ab" bin unless theres a better one at the same price. The cxa and cxb look to be the same price is there any reason to pick one of the other? Is the 3590 worth the nearly double price of 3070 Im seeing on mouser?

I'm still not going to spoon feed you ... really all the info on the part numbers is in the cree datasheet, seems rather pointless for me to copy and paste the cree data sheet here.

verical, mouser, digiikey are real and reliable, but the prices and stock can vary widely. I usually pick the part number from the cree datasheet that I want and enter that straight into google or octopart. Kingbrite /Jerry so far has been a reliable Chinese vendor via Alibaba. so go there to see what they have. Considering your comments I suggest you go with CXB3070. the CXBs are a later generation of the CXAs and a bit more efficient. (see the DATASHEET!!!!!!!!) Last I looked Kingbrite had the cxb3070 AD bin at a better price.
As I said I already read through the data sheet over and over. But being new to this some of its a little hard to understand. Thank you for the alibaba info thats pretty much all I was looking for now. Now I just need to decide between the 3070 and 3590 since the price difference is only 10 bucks there compared to others I seen it was nearly double the price of the 3070

Personal opinion from anyone would the cxb 3590 CD be worth the extra cost over the cxb 3070 AD?
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As I said I already read through the data sheet over and over. But being new to this some of its a little hard to understand. Thank you for the alibaba info thats pretty much all I was looking for now. Now I just need to decide between the 3070 and 3590 since the price difference is only 10 bucks there compared to others I seen it was nearly double the price of the 3070

Personal opinion from anyone would the cxb 3590 CD be worth the extra cost over the cxb 3070 AD?

I'm kicking down the extra coin for CXB3590 3500K CD, my plan is to run them four to a 200W driver @50W apiece. This gives 56% efficiency.
4 step could be better in our case because it may be slightly cheaper and the plants might slightly benefit from the more varied spectrum. Some could be more green tinted and some may be slightly red tinted. I would suspect that the 4 step 70 CRi COBs would be more likely green tinted and the 80 CRI 4 step COBs would more likely be red tinted. If they were both the same brightness bin I would go for the 80 CRi.

2 step is best for applications that aim to match the tint as closely as possible and stay close to the black body curve. But if there is no price difference, it probably will not matter which one you use.

CXB3590 CD is cheaper/PAR W than the CXB3070 AD, assuming you are comparing them based on Kingbrite pricing.
Edited to remove all the questions I dont need answers for now.

Last couple questions I have.
I notice only the mean well drivers mentioned and prices seem too close to be worth passing on the 1 driver for 4 led. Is there a quality option for driving around 80-100w to 2x leds (HLG-185H-C1400 basically cut in half along with price) for around $30? Reason being I would like to break it down into 2 led per driver/fixture so I could have more flexibility on placement instead of 4 led per fixture. I understand the majority of the diy but the electric and math part are still a bit confusing (never been very good at math lol)

Turns out 6x cxb3070 AD cost the same as 4x cxb3590 CD :( I feel like cramming 20x 3070 in the a 4x4 space would be better than 16x 3590. But could anyone tell me if thats more or less or basically the same amount of light but more/less power used
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Guess I cant just edit my last post to remove the parts I found the info I was looking for. Looks like total cost for 50x 3590 is around $700 more than the 3070s putting my budget in the 3k range instead of 2k like i wanted. @SupraSPL it would be GREAT if I could steal like 10 minutes of your time to chat directly (Id even pay you like 10 bucks if need lol) to help figure out my best options. Ive literally been spending 6+ hours a day for the last week going through all these threads so this is not a case of "too lazy to search for simple answers". This is just a case of it would be of great help to have a quick conversation with someone who has your experience before spending up to 3 grand on a new adventure ^^
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I bought an RO filter 1 1/2 years ago. BEST 80 dollars I have spent in growing! My water killed my plants it took months to figure it out. I've replaced the filters twice, and still using the original RO membrane. And I've ran a greenhouse this summer too, and all the canna got RO! I probably made 600 gallons over the summer. If you have bad water, THIS is the only cure worth the money!
And if you spend the money and add a whole house sediment filter, the RO filters last 4-5 times longer!

there are mini ro filter available, as low as 45eur over here, starting with 190l water per day.
That is true for some of us, but here we are in a drought and that would come out to over 1200 gallons of waste water down the drain. That is why mine is sitting on a shelf. I am waiting to catch rain water, but until then I use the machines in front of the supermarket. It is about 30 cents a gallon. I do wish I could use mine again.
Guess I cant just edit my last post to remove the parts I found the info I was looking for. Looks like total cost for 50x 3590 is around $700 more than the 3070s putting my budget in the 3k range instead of 2k like i wanted. @SupraSPL it would be GREAT if I could steal like 10 minutes of your time to chat directly (Id even pay you like 10 bucks if need lol) to help figure out my best options. Ive literally been spending 6+ hours a day for the last week going through all these threads so this is not a case of "too lazy to search for simple answers". This is just a case of it would be of great help to have a quick conversation with someone who has your experience before spending up to 3 grand on a new adventure ^^

If be happy to help if I knew enough to be useful.
Basically looking for some opinions from first hand experiences. Its really hard to piece together info because it seems to be updating and advancing fast. Like this thread for example is for cxa but its long past that and theres 188 pages to look through ^^
Basically looking for some opinions from first hand experiences. Its really hard to piece together info because it seems to be updating and advancing fast. Like this thread for example is for cxa but its long past that and theres 188 pages to look through ^^

Agreed. I guess I just joined the conversation and the bits slowly fell into place. That's not very clear, but it's how knowledge passes here.
explain to me how dimming will increase efficiency. Do you mean using a dimming function on the driver, or using a lower power driver to run "softer"? I would think using a dimmer would decrease efficiency by adding resistance to the circuit.

And with all this talk of efficiency, does anyone measure the efficiency of the completed unit? I would think that, just like when building a pc, not all component combinations give the expected results when built into a composite unit.
Just curious is all.

I just made a light that is 69-70% efficient and if I was to dim it to 250ma it would be 77% efficient.

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Im just stuck between the 4 or 5 cobs per 2x2ft area. I understand the efficiency differences between the 2 but cant decide if its worth the extra 50 bucks for each one Ill have to make lol
Ordering everything soon and just wanted to verify I have everything correct before dumping 3 grand. Decided on doing 4x 3590 36v to each 185h-c1400. Does it matter if I get the A or B or D model of the mw drivers? From what I could understand the B/D can have a dimmer but Im ok with skipping that for now if I cant find any B in stock

So my shopping list consists of
CXB3590-0000- 000N0HCD35G
Ideal 50-2303CR

Leds have been ordered. $2500 total after fees and shipping for 50x :( Came into this with a budget plan set at 2k and Im already 500 over with only the leds done lol
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Ordering everything soon and just wanted to verify I have everything correct before dumping 3 grand. Decided on doing 4x 3590 36v to each 185h-c1400. Does it matter if I get the A or B or D model of the mw drivers? From what I could understand the B/D can have a dimmer but Im ok with skipping that for now if I cant find any B in stock

So my shopping list consists of
CXB3590-0000- 000N0HCD35G
Ideal 50-2303CR

Leds have been ordered. $2500 total after fees and shipping for 50x :( Came into this with a budget plan set at 2k and Im already 500 over with only the leds done lol

Boy, do I know how you feel...