Buying new light system and grown tent.


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready to buy a new grow light so i can give my dad his halide back and i was wondering, can you run a metal halide light off a HPS ballast? are they interchangable or is it one or the other? and if not which would you guys use to go through the whole grow process? Id prefer a halide but for yield and grow rates im not sure which one.

Also, any kind of grow tent you guys could recommend? ive found some on ebay for 75-90$ that are 4.5x4.5x6.5 and thatd work well for what i have going on.


Well-Known Member
I dont have any experience in HID lighting so I cant provide personal experience, im just throwing out a bit of info to get you on the right track.

Some ballasts are MH OR HPS only (there are DIY mods to make them switchable, search around if your interested in this route) . Some are switchable. Some electronic ballasts accept both MH and HPS without even flicking a switch. I suppose it really all depends on how much you want to spend. There are also conversion bulbs, ie a conversion MH bulb is specially made to run in an HPS ballast. Those bulbs can be a bit pricier. I would suggest you look through your shop's catalog/website, read specs on the ballast, call and ask for their help on certain products that you are not sure about.

As for grow tents, word on the forums is Secret Jardin Darkroom. I actually just ordered one myself, the DR80 model. They cost a bit more than others but are supposedly really good. Check out this thread

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready to buy a new grow light so i can give my dad his halide back and i was wondering, can you run a metal halide light off a HPS ballast? are they interchangable or is it one or the other? and if not which would you guys use to go through the whole grow process? Id prefer a halide but for yield and grow rates im not sure which one.

Also, any kind of grow tent you guys could recommend? ive found some on ebay for 75-90$ that are 4.5x4.5x6.5 and thatd work well for what i have going on.
thats a nice grow tint then cause tents cost $ youd get half da size of that for the same price at a hydrosite.
No u cant run a MH on a HPS ballast unless its digital.
One or ther other unlees u get a conversion bulb.
I'd go HPS all da way thru if i had to bra.

Hope this helps u bra!