Best way to consume shrooms?

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
think i'm just gonna chew em up real good with choclate

would pepto bismol or something help? taste is horrendous though


Staff member
Yes it was fun until I turned into a drug addict ruined my fucking life
Had my boyfriend kill himself
And lost all my good friends and family due to my habits

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Yes it was fun until I turned into a drug addict ruined my fucking life
Had my boyfriend kill himself
And lost all my good friends and family due to my habits
sorry to hear that sunni, don't be so hard on yourself

i fucked over my life with opiates too, fucked a lot of people over, i stick to weed and psychedelics now, i was even an alcoholic for a long time and now i basically quit the shit just makes me sick, might have a few at parties er somethin

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Yes it was fun until I turned into a drug addict ruined my fucking life
Had my boyfriend kill himself
And lost all my good friends and family due to my habits
All that actually exists is the present moment, the past is a memory, so what power does the past have if you can accept the present, accept what is. Be truly grateful for the life you have now you're about to start your own family that's all that matters. Forget about the past it didn't ruin your life every step you ever took led you to where you are right now, would you really want to be standing anywhere else. Trust me I have regrets, but they only last for a minute or two bc ultimately I realize that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i believe i got ptsd from the bullshit i got into as a opiate addict, which will effect me for the rest of my life

i don't blame it on the drugs i started out on, i blame it on juvenile stupidy


Staff member
guys thanks for the kind words but no need clearly i have turned my life around

i just wrote what i did because mr bong had written "glad to see you used to enjoy trippin"
i take drugs seriously, it wasnt not a comment i really particularly liked due to my past,
the consequences of my actions on doing drugs was not enjoyable


Staff member
but anyways back to topic at hand just fucking eat them. its not like youre eating human shit
its over in a few minutes

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i'll never quit weed its like medicine to me, absolutely amazing what it can do for somebody with mental illness, booze just makes me stupid and irritated, then it makes me extremely sick and depressed, never realized how miserable it was till abe talked some sense into me lol

Texas dangermous

Active Member
God mushrooms are nasty. I can't stand the taste. Don't even like email on my burgers or nothing. But the high is worth the drama of eating them. Just chew em up.