Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube


Well-Known Member
“But right now, when you have something that is against the rights of women, against the rights of gays, subjugates other religions, and a host of things that are not compatible with our Constitution, why in fact would you take that chance?” he said."
So was he speaking about himself of Muslims? Because he's anti-abortion, doesn't want equal marriage, he thinks a Muslim should never be President (but an incredibly conservative Christian? Completely fine, no problem there), thinks most Muslims are terrorists, and thinks that the Executive branch should just ignore the judicial.


Well-Known Member
So wtf was the point of saying it then? As I already said most Muslims don't live according to sharia law so his statement kinda contradicts his ideology of not playing "what ifs" cus that is a pretty damn bug what if imo.
As you stated the American public as a whole would never stand behind a president who practices sharia law or any religious extremist for that matter. As many already said the constitution keeps church and state separate so he is just trying to fear monger.

And yeah, even his explanation still pretty barbed towards Islam as a whole

"He said if someone could show him an Islamic text that opposes Sharia law, he would change his mind about a Muslim’s ability to be commander-in-chief of the United States.

“But right now, when you have something that is against the rights of women, against the rights of gays, subjugates other religions, and a host of things that are not compatible with our Constitution, why in fact would you take that chance?” he said."
Exactly, if FP is right, why didn't he come up there and say anything about how he wouldn't advocate a Christian be president if they abide by old testament theology?

He did it for political points and it backfired on him, because he's a doofus


Well-Known Member
So was he speaking about himself of Muslims? Because he's anti-abortion, doesn't want equal marriage, he thinks a Muslim should never be President (but an incredibly conservative Christian? Completely fine, no problem there), thinks most Muslims are terrorists, and thinks that the Executive branch should just ignore the judicial.
Well I mean, that's how the liberal media spins it lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So wtf was the point of saying it then? As I already said most Muslims don't live according to sharia law so his statement kinda contradicts his ideology of not playing "what ifs" cus that is a pretty damn bug what if imo.
As you stated the American public as a whole would never stand behind a president who practices sharia law or any religious extremist for that matter. As many already said the constitution keeps church and state separate so he is just trying to fear monger.

And yeah, even his explanation still pretty barbed towards Islam as a whole

"He said if someone could show him an Islamic text that opposes Sharia law, he would change his mind about a Muslim’s ability to be commander-in-chief of the United States.

“But right now, when you have something that is against the rights of women, against the rights of gays, subjugates other religions, and a host of things that are not compatible with our Constitution, why in fact would you take that chance?” he said."
I see what you are concerned about.

He was being pressured to answer the question. The question was would he support a Muslim president.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So was he speaking about himself of Muslims? Because he's anti-abortion, doesn't want equal marriage, he thinks a Muslim should never be President (but an incredibly conservative Christian? Completely fine, no problem there), thinks most Muslims are terrorists, and thinks that the Executive branch should just ignore the judicial.
If the constitution says that only the Congress can make laws, then the judicial rulings should not change the law without the Congress signing off on it.

It's called checks and balances for a reason.


Well-Known Member
If the constitution says that only the Congress can make laws, then the judicial rulings should not change the law without the Congress signing off on it.

It's called checks and balances for a reason.
The job of the judicial branch is to decide if the law is constitutional or not, that's what they did with Obergefell v. Hodges

Will you ever be able to get over it?


Well-Known Member
Congress is the only one able to make federal laws. It's in the Constitution.
What laws has the Supreme Court made? What they make is rulings, there is a difference. If those ruling happen to strike down unconstitutional laws made by congress you don't get to cry about it like it is unprecedented. Guess what, I hate the citizens united ruling but it is the judgment atm. That's why they need a justice that wI'll overturn that stupid like what,bernie sanders wants.
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Well-Known Member
Get over what?
Get over the fact that the Supreme Court has the power to strike down or uphold laws and you may not agree with it

They don't write any laws, they decide if the laws congress writes are constitutional. There was no abuse of power or activist judges, the court did what the court is supposed to do

If you disagree with their ruling, there are appropriate avenues to changing it. But to say they broke the rules of the Constitution is flat out wrong.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Exactly, if FP is right, why didn't he come up there and say anything about how he wouldn't advocate a Christian be president if they abide by old testament theology?

He did it for political points and it backfired on him, because he's a doofus
He did his best to answer a politically charged question.

He said he is OK with a Muslim for president if the renounce shariah law.

The end. Lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Are we pretending that all bad things stop when a law prohibits it?

Aren't you guys always on about how racism is alive and well?

Can't have it both ways.