How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

There IS a way to reverse global warming and it's been proven to work!

Volcanoes! Throw enough pulverized soot and ash into the air and it will- WILL, sure as Pinatubo- reduce the Earth's global temperature.

How do we throw a good volcano? Dynamite and lots of planning might work but would be very dangerous. We could nuke the volcano and that would be effective but radioactive. Decisions, decisions...
1) CO2 is not great for the atmosphere and we know this. It's observable. One way to observe it is using your own thought experiment. Go into a greenhouse, jack it with CO2, seal it up, let it sit at that CO2 for a while, and then go back in. Is it hotter than the ambient temperature around it? Yes, yes it will be hotter in the greenhouse than it is outside.

2) CO2 is not the only contributing factor. There are other ones. What we're worried about here is our own CO2 emissions and that they might be higher than what the Earth can take in such a short time. Do you understand this?
Here's a thought experiment for you...imagine CO2's actual affect was discovered to be minuscule and negligible after years of research and $$$$$ in grant money compared to say...oh I dunno...the activity of the sun. Why might they then still try to make CO2 look to be a bigger player than it really was???

Why do you think there was thought to be a need for Mann's peer-reviewed hockey stick fraud?

Why were people caught changing historical weather station records to line up better with the global warming crowd?

It is not a consensus and the 90+% you all throw out is bullshit and twiddled just like any study pointing to CO2 as any type of major contributor.

You are a lemming.
Here's a thought experiment for you...imagine CO2's actual affect was discovered to be minuscule and negligible after years of research and $$$$$ in grant money compared to say...oh I dunno...the activity of the sun. Why might they then still try to make CO2 look to be a bigger player than it really was???

Why do you think there was thought to be a need for Mann's peer-reviewed hockey stick fraud?

Why were people caught changing historical weather station records to line up better with the global warming crowd?

It is not a consensus and the 90+% you all throw out is bullshit and twiddled just like any study pointing to CO2 as any type of major contributor.

You are a lemming.
Yeah, they're keeping the con going because they don't want to look like dummies for keeping it going so long..

That makes absolutely perfect sense!

Climategate was investigated 11 different times, cleared 11 different times. Should innocent people/organizations be prosecuted after having been found not guilty 11 different times?

You're in the 14% minority
Yeah, they're keeping the con going because they don't want to look like dummies for keeping it going so long..

That makes absolutely perfect sense!

Climategate was investigated 11 different times, cleared 11 different times. Should innocent people/organizations be prosecuted after having been found not guilty 11 different times?

You're in the 14% minority

P.T. Barnum fully understood that some people really do want to be fooled all of the time.
You made the claim "400 PPM is nothing to be alarmed about", you have not cited a credible source for that claim because there is no credible source for that claim. 400 PPM has increased the average temperature of the Earth .7°C in 135 years which is unprecedented and absolutely something to be alarmed about according to all the experts.

You don't know what you're talking about.
"what AL Gore has done to you is nothing to be alarmed about" You can be alarmed if you want, but it doesn't mean I have to be. Would you like a citation for that as well? When you talk about the temperature of the earth 135 years ago, and how co2 is responsible for making the planet 7 degrees warmer, it makes you sound like a nut job. Name one scientist from 135 years ago that was studying climate change around the globe with advanced technological instruments.
"what AL Gore has done to you is nothing to be alarmed about" You can be alarmed if you want, but it doesn't mean I have to be. Would you like a citation for that as well? When you talk about the temperature of the earth 135 years ago, and how co2 is responsible for making the planet 7 degrees warmer, it makes you sound like a nut job. Name one scientist from 135 years ago that was studying climate change around the globe with advanced technological instruments.
Your ignorance is not an excuse. We live in the 21st century. Do your own research or not. Makes no difference to me.
Your ignorance is not an excuse. We live in the 21st century. Do your own research or not. Makes no difference to me.
Yes it does make a difference to you. And to all the eco freaks. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother to pick up the issue.
How am I ignorant, when you need scientific data to tell you that there have been less hurricanes and tornadoes?
So not only do you want to lower co2 levels and limit plant life, but you also want to create more natural disasters.
All in the name of global warming, or cooling, or whatever the hell it is this year.
Yeah, they're keeping the con going because they don't want to look like dummies for keeping it going so long..

That makes absolutely perfect sense!

Climategate was investigated 11 different times, cleared 11 different times. Should innocent people/organizations be prosecuted after having been found not guilty 11 different times?

You're in the 14% minority
Now I understand why I avoid your inflammatory threads. If you think the "con" continues just to save some face your mind is not steeped in logic but rather something septic.

I also assume that your vast Climategate knowledge comes from
Wiki which itself has been proven to have been taken over by another leftist creep (William Connelly) Michael Mann's removal of periods from his data that did not line up with his hypothesis is not a problem for you? The numerous emails uncovered showing the rats perpetuating the fraud is not a problem for you. These things were validated in public and Mann defrocked as a fraud. BTW in turns out the Connelly who runs around Wiki shitting on numerous related entries in an attempt to make AGW and other leftist frauds seem real, is a good friend of Mann...part of the hockey team, one might say.

As to the 14%, for yours I have to wait for the numbers count...

Al Gore is an attention ho that only wanted to sell DVD's and his book. He is a fraud playing to sucker bets and sycophants like Oprah.

Climate models don't count. The climate change ruse is just that, a political ruse.

Speaking of frauds, BernedOut Sanders doesn't have a clue when it comes to Scandinavian countries.

Al Gore is an attention ho that only wanted to sell DVD's and his book. He is a fraud playing to sucker bets and sycophants like Oprah.

Climate models don't count. The climate change ruse is just that, a political ruse.

Speaking of frauds, BernedOut Sanders doesn't have a clue when it comes to Scandinavian countries.


You are seriously like someone's really old, out of touch conservative uncle that just forwards everything that comes along his inbox to everybody. There are two versions of this, I hope you know, the one you posted and then the one that's the first one floating around.

“I am a Danish schoolteacher, making about $65,000 a year. We get free education, you don’t have to pay for going to a doctor, the hospital, and also are paying our students for getting the education they want.

“We can afford to have our own house, a car, we all get 6 weeks vacation a year, and women get a year maternity leave when she has a baby, every time......fathers get maternity leave too, just not that long. Everybody gets a pension from the age 65. I have lived in the USA, but prefer the Danish way of taking care of everyone. Some may say we pay high taxes, maybe, but we get so much more than you get in the USA.

“You pay on average $8,500 per year in deductibles and many fees for healthcare. Your higher education is over $21,000 a year. We pay our students to learn. You have no job security, vacations, or any other benefits that we do.

“Everyone in the world wants the American dream. Every Dane has that opportunity."

There's the other version.

However, about yours... It's a mixed bag and not completely truthful. Congratulations for not thinking for yourself Uncle Ben, or verifying what you post.
Actually, here's the Denmark reality that Sanders has no clue about. Apparently Denmark and other Scan. countries have become VERY capitalistic, non-socialistic countries.

For those of you who are keeping score, the Heritage Foundation, which literally keeps score, rates Denmark’s economy as slightly more free – slightly more capitalistic — than that of the United States. Denmark is in a rough spot just lately, but it has been undergoing a series of deep and intelligent reforms to its welfare state (as have many of the other Northern European countries) to counteract the ill effects of earlier excesses. Its corporate-income tax is much lower than that of the United States. Its regulatory environment is in many ways more free. It is very free-trade oriented. What Denmark does have — what all the Nordic countries have — is relatively high taxes on the middle class, which gets double-whammied with income taxes and a value-added tax.....

Read more at:
Sweden had brought in thousands of ISIS refugees a little while back. The Islamic caliphate there is already ordering Christians to convert or die. That didn't take very long. Obama wants to bring hundreds of thousands of them into the US

Actually, here's the Denmark reality that Sanders has no clue about. Apparently Denmark and other Scan. countries have become VERY capitalistic, non-socialistic countries.

For those of you who are keeping score, the Heritage Foundation, which literally keeps score, rates Denmark’s economy as slightly more free – slightly more capitalistic — than that of the United States. Denmark is in a rough spot just lately, but it has been undergoing a series of deep and intelligent reforms to its welfare state (as have many of the other Northern European countries) to counteract the ill effects of earlier excesses. Its corporate-income tax is much lower than that of the United States. Its regulatory environment is in many ways more free. It is very free-trade oriented. What Denmark does have — what all the Nordic countries have — is relatively high taxes on the middle class, which gets double-whammied with income taxes and a value-added tax.....

Read more at:

Oh the Heritage Foundation, America's #1 conservative think tank. YMMV if you're trying to find a fair, unbiased view.

Weird isn't it how despite what you said the Nordic/Scandinavian countries are among the happiest nations on the planet.
We're behind Mexico on that list. Seems like all of the unhappy Americans would have crossed the southern border by now.

I didn't see NK on either list, I thought they were the happiest people. I guess it's must have been a different metric. Science!!
We're behind Mexico on that list. Seems like all of the unhappy Americans would have crossed the southern border by now.

I didn't see NK on either list, I thought they were the happiest people. I guess it's must have been a different metric. Science!!

Mexican survey shows one third of their country would migrate to America, because we are so racist. A large percentage of those Mexicans say they would come here illegally, without documents, without respect for our laws, and basically start demanding a bunch of free shit.
Living in Texas you've just described the Mexicans well. They are very much like the Muslims with their "hurray for me, fuck you" attitudes and the libtards have enabled it.

Speaking of Muslims, boy has Germany got their hands full! Like the Mexicans they have no respect for German law. There's plenty of violence too because of the political tensions amongst the tribes. I really feel sorry for the Germans and any of those nations who accepted these Muslims. Thank God America is separated by sea from Europe and the Middle east.

The chief of the German police union has said that the migrant influx – forecast to hit 1.5 million by the end of the year – has left the nation’s police forces “overwhelmed” as they tackle sectarian conflict and “extreme criminal offences.”

The “ultimate and primary cause” was ethnic and religious tensions, researchers said. Clashes at a migrant camp near the central German city of Kassel on September 28th left 14 people injured, including three policemen, and in October 7th around three hundred migrants brawled in a migrant centre in Braunschweig.

“In our asylum camps all hell broke loose; at the border in southern Germany, and in Bavaria especially, it’s hell. Our colleagues down there can’t ever take their boots off [to rest] anymore,” said Mr Wendt, naming struggling federal forces all over Germany.

He said some were “heavily overwhelmed. And now politicians are acting like they’re totally surprised… they should’ve reacted a lot sooner.”

The small and beautiful Switzerland is home to the happiest people on Earth. The country is economically very strong and has a much transparent government. The unemployment rate of Switzerland is just 2.9%. The working citizens also get high wages in the country. At the same time, the taxes are very low in Switzerland.

The majority of Swiss citizens don’t work for long hours. They spend with family members, friends, involve in child care and their own hobbies on weekends and evenings. They also enjoy sports activities on a daily basis. It makes the Swiss citizen fit and energetic.

The crime rate in Switzerland is extremely low. It is very safe to roam across the country at any time you like. Thus, Switzerland is one of the best places for women to live in. The Swiss cities are also clean and tidy.

In Switzerland, 86% of adults are qualities with a high school equivalent degree. All educational institutions in Switzerland are relatively cheap and good in quality. The Swiss government also offers a scholarship for international students. The Swiss citizens are also top in innovation, job training, and productivity.

Switzerland also has an extensive network of hospitals and excellent doctor-patient ratio. It is not a tax based service and the patients have to pay themselves through health insurance schemes. Unsurprisingly the Swiss citizens are one of the healthiest people in the world. The average life expectancy of Swiss is 83 years. The majority of citizens are also satisfied with water and air quality in the country.

Followed by Norway then Canada
Canada is the happiest nation in the world we went liberal ;) and shortly going to be a legal MJ country lol
I'm happy for Canada. You guys have the nicest people.

What's up with that weird Newfie time zone though?

Thank you for showing us how to make bacon from the backstrap, genius!, Thank you for maple syrup and Wayne Gretsky. Will you please take Beiber back now?