Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul


Well-Known Member

so i posted a thread just like this in the
"Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy" section on
it barley got any views and the only responses were basically bashing chakra energies.

who knows about this philosophy and understands them and practices chakra lessons daily??? yoga or not.


Chakra energies are a way to perceive One's Own individuality or persona.
Just like the physical human body, there is a spiritual body. The spiritual body and/or chakra system is a way to organize One's thoughts, feelings, memories, inspiration, expression, communication, compassion, friendliness, self esteem, self love, love for everyone, emotions, creativity, connection to community, and over all purpose. This is the chakra system :) [ artwork above by Alex Grey ]

There are SEVEN PRIMARY chakra energies and many others that are energized by the primary. The spiritual body connects to the physical body through both systems. We will focus on the primary for now to get everyone's attention and then dive deeper once this thread expands. ((( <3 )))

Each primary chakra resonates with each color of the rainbow.
[ seven primary chakras = seven colors of the rainbow ]
Root ~ Sacral ~ Navel ~ Heart ~ Throat ~ Third Eye ~ Crown

The Root Chakra - This chakra resonates with the physical body, Mother Earth and the ground We walk on. The root chakra literally "roots" the spirit into the physical body so both have a great affect on each other. The main focus of this chakra is to ground Oneself and focus on physical health. Exercise, eating healthy, taking care of One's body, community service, getting One's hands dirty, working, or going on a hike.

The Sacral Chakra - The sacral chakra works it's way UP the color spectrum and further into the spirit. This chakra is One's emotions, procreation, feelings, sexuality, and perception of the present moment. Even though this energy has ethereal properties, it still vibrates with the ground. Tasting new foods, experiencing new places, giving thanks, gratitude, breathing, feeling and embracing the moment. And most importantly, the lesson of never taking anything for granted.

The Navel Chakra - The power house of One's own individual being resides in the "solar plexus" or navel [belly button]. This chakra is the epitome of One's self; the outlook of Oneself, self esteem, self love, confidence, and will power. If One is usually depressed or finds themselves in "hermit mode" They could be suffering with this chakra energy. Ways to help energize and cleanse this chakra is to motivate and inspire One's will power to just do it. Lessons of the navel chakra are breaking out of One's shell, movement, living on the edge, not caring what Anyone else thinks, and self care.

The Heart Chakra - The center to EVERYTHING. The center of love, care, kindness, empathy, and compassion. This is the center to where ALL resides. This is what connects every living being to each other in the most ethereal ways possible. This chakra helps proves each others karma and justifies The Golden Rule. Everyone has a story and should never be judged for it.

The Throat Chakra - Moving uP INto a higher frequency and even more ethereal energies; the throat chakra is expression and communication. The human race found ways to physically express the spirit's ideas with mouth noises. This chakra facilitates talking, listening, expression, creativity, speaking One's truth, humor, and clear charismatic skills. If One struggles with this chakra They are shy. If One has an over active throat...They talk to much.

The Third Eye Chakra - The third eye is where ideas, thoughts, dreams, goals, and intuition are born. This is the chakra of ViSiON, the gateway to the inner self....the HiGHer self. The antennae to the cosmic portals and door ways of perception to ALL that iS ALL. This chakra is energized by extra sensory perception, telekinesis, ineffable mysteries, extremely energetic, high frequencies that can typically be passive... unless the throat chakra is used, then it is not passive. :)

The Crown Chakra - This chakra is the source of everything that exists. Pure inspiration, information, light, and creative EVOLution. This is what also connects US ALL together. Some call this One's higher self, some call it "God". Some just clal it a universal energy that binds Us all together.The crown chakra is the final chakra of the primary chakras and the bridge to the other chakra energies that go INTO HIGHer realms of consciousness.
One who struggles with this chakra feels completely alone and does not believe in anything. These people need to be shown the light and that they are not alone, ever. ((( <3 )))

I think much wisdom can be gained here. You mentioned telekinesis what are your thoughts on that. I have experienced telekinetic communication with people on both acid and mushrooms and the other person concurred.
I think much wisdom can be gained here. You mentioned telekinesis what are your thoughts on that. I have experienced telekinetic communication with people on both acid and mushrooms and the other person concurred.
THEY are the future.

the third eye can open an extreme amount when One is tripping on lsd or psilocybin. I have experienced many different occasions where ESP or telekinesis would happen. My buddy and I one time felt , thought, and saw the same exact thing at the same time. Another time, my ex girlfriend and I were looking into each others eyes and went into the craziest trance of colors and thoughts.

even when One is not tripping, One's third eye can hear many different things they normally could not hear in the first place.
One's mind is open....and nothing can bring the ignorance back. (;
It seems to me that they are an understanding of the connection between the body and the soul, between the objective energies and the subjective experience of the experiencer. What is your definition of Soul? What do you mean by higher Self or true self?

I will give you my thoughts on the two.

Soul- mortal, the human ego, the thoughts and emotions that make up the false sense of self. An expression of yourself but not your true identity.

Higher Self or true self- immortal, not fleeting, Unwavering, the Light of your awareness, the Silent Witness.

Very interested to know your thoughts on the subject and looking forward to learning more about the chakras.
It seems to me that they are an understanding of the connection between the body and the soul, between the objective energies and the subjective experience of the experiencer. What is your definition of Soul? What do you mean by higher Self or true self?

I will give you my thoughts on the two.

Soul- mortal, the human ego, the thoughts and emotions that make up the false sense of self. An expression of yourself but not your true identity.

Higher Self or true self- immortal, not fleeting, Unwavering, the Light of your awareness, the Silent Witness.

Very interested to know your thoughts on the subject and looking forward to learning more about the chakras.
You input further gives Me faith. :)

what IF YOUR soul is YOUR higher self and IS immortal??
and YOUR body is only a temporary vessel containing YOUR soul.
and YOUR soul is connected to YOUR higher self....which could be everyONE or just is just YOUR perception of IT.

WE ARE ONE AND INFINITE but we are sinners and have egos for a reason.
Alchemy. Soul vs. physical. white vs. black. good vs. evil...etc
You input further gives Me faith. :)

what IF YOUR soul is YOUR higher self and IS immortal??
and YOUR body is only a temporary vessel containing YOUR soul.
and YOUR soul is connected to YOUR higher self....which could be everyONE or just is just YOUR perception of IT.

WE ARE ONE AND INFINITE but we are sinners and have egos for a reason.
Alchemy. Soul vs. physical. white vs. black. good vs. evil...etc

This reminded me of this thought I had on lsd one time trying to get home from my friends house. I stayed the night at his mid week and I was just eating acid all night while he slept because he had work in the morning had to keep myself entertained somehow. I'm catching the bus to the train station with him at like 7:30am still pretty under the influence as I had been re-dosing a fair bit. He's talking about how he really just wants to join the army and I was saying how all I want to do in life is be in a band and I wish I was one of those people that were just born wanting to be something simple even if it was something hard to obtain, like being a doctor as that's still a very achievable goal. Being a successful band is like the 0.001% Then we were just talking about how it's weird that people are just born a certain way and that's them you don't exactly just get to choose your personality and your dreams, you can be conscious of those things and make conscious decisions to better your personality but deep down you are still you and even though there may be very similar people to you they're never exactly you.

Now I've had a lot of 'one with everything' experiences on psychedelics but in that moment I just sat there and looked around at everyone around me and I realized that we could all be one collective person divided into each specific trait that being can possess, maybe we are the same even though we're all different because we're one being as a whole but all we ever do is look at individual pieces so we never make that connection. Maybe when we die and our soul leaves its vessel we don't stay as a singular conscious maybe we form back into that one whole being, another piece of a truly enlightened being returned to its origin, a collective of every possible trait someone can possess to form one that is all.

In saying that though I don't necessarily believe that, of course there is always the possibility that it may be true but i'm a very go with the flow person, I don't have set ideologies so I never have a set belief in those kinds of things. It was just a very intriguing and thought provoking experiences I had
If you can visualize a infinite body of water. We are all individual drops of water. Who during a vacation in the physical exsistance have forgotten we make one single ocean.
Bro i was just talking about this at work today ugh get out of my head! Lol i remember when i opened my crown chakra on dmt... I was pulling the energy from my feet up my body and rotating it like a tornado and o felt this pressure on my head like I was an egg and something was pushing from the inside trying to escape the I just felt a flower on my head shoot up and unfurl like an umbrella and even tho my eyes were shut I could see through the walls but from a height that seemed to be in the cluster of chakra energy I need to put more effort into it seeing how well it works for others makes me want to do more for myself
Now I've had a lot of 'one with everything' experiences on psychedelics but in that moment I just sat there and looked around at everyone around me and I realized that we could all be one collective person divided into each specific trait that being can possess, maybe we are the same even though we're all different because we're one being as a whole but all we ever do is look at individual pieces so we never make that connection. Maybe when we die and our soul leaves its vessel we don't stay as a singular conscious maybe we form back into that one whole being, another piece of a truly enlightened being returned to its origin, a collective of every possible trait someone can possess to form one that is all.

If you can visualize a infinite body of water. We are all individual drops of water. Who during a vacation in the physical exsistance have forgotten we make one single ocean.

"I believe there is some overlap in the spectrum of our minds, not normaly visible. Remember, we are just empty vessels filled with the same force, like bottleing up the ocean, then water in each bottle takes on the shape of the container, but when all the bottles get emptied, it forms an ocean again; with every bottle loosing its identity to the greater whole. There is a universal reality, that binds us all together."
- Unknown

I AM YOU --- in lak'ech ala k'in