I seem to be having a bit of a problem and was hoping someone could offer suggestions on where I could be going wrong.
4'x2' Tent.
mars hydro led light actual draw 200 watts. (18 on 6 off)
2 x air pumps one in one out, out has carbon scrubber on it. (set on 15 minute on, 15 off timer cycle)
450w oil radiator (small and away from grow pot) (temp sensor plug that keeps room at 27deg).
Grow pot is 15 letre smart pot. (soil mix 4 scoops potting soil, 1 scoop perlite, 1 scoop verm. 4,1,1 mix to top).
30cm Towerfan on constant.
My temps seem to be stable around the 27degree mark according to my thermomitor that logs readings. My soil moisture/ph is good, I cranked the light high up as to not shock the seeds (but I have tried it lower with the same result). Air circulation is ok and plenty for a seed.
So I have germinated a fair few (approx 10/15) seeds now using the paper towwel ziplock bag method and have had fairly good success with getting the tap to pop but as soon as I plant the seeds they just do nothing, and I mean nothing. I have tried putting a bottle over the top with spray mist in it to keep the condensation up, I have tried it without, I have tried a smaller pot (auto's so from the research I had done it is recommended to put straight into final pot, but I tried smaller anyhows). But no joy, to date I have become a master terminator of germinated seeds
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, maybe I am doing something wrong that is obvious to a more experienced grower. It is starting to depress me now as I can grow pretty much anything edible without issue.
I seem to be having a bit of a problem and was hoping someone could offer suggestions on where I could be going wrong.
4'x2' Tent.
mars hydro led light actual draw 200 watts. (18 on 6 off)
2 x air pumps one in one out, out has carbon scrubber on it. (set on 15 minute on, 15 off timer cycle)
450w oil radiator (small and away from grow pot) (temp sensor plug that keeps room at 27deg).
Grow pot is 15 letre smart pot. (soil mix 4 scoops potting soil, 1 scoop perlite, 1 scoop verm. 4,1,1 mix to top).
30cm Towerfan on constant.
My temps seem to be stable around the 27degree mark according to my thermomitor that logs readings. My soil moisture/ph is good, I cranked the light high up as to not shock the seeds (but I have tried it lower with the same result). Air circulation is ok and plenty for a seed.
So I have germinated a fair few (approx 10/15) seeds now using the paper towwel ziplock bag method and have had fairly good success with getting the tap to pop but as soon as I plant the seeds they just do nothing, and I mean nothing. I have tried putting a bottle over the top with spray mist in it to keep the condensation up, I have tried it without, I have tried a smaller pot (auto's so from the research I had done it is recommended to put straight into final pot, but I tried smaller anyhows). But no joy, to date I have become a master terminator of germinated seeds

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, maybe I am doing something wrong that is obvious to a more experienced grower. It is starting to depress me now as I can grow pretty much anything edible without issue.
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