What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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Well-Known Member
So hard to say. I don't like guns. At the same time I have owned a .410 shotgun since I was around 8 years old. I imagine I could do without it, but it is convenient when I start seeing too many snakes on a regular basis in the water near my house. Then I can go pick up a box of shells, clear things out some and then let nature resume. If someone were to tell me I could not own my .410, I would keep it anyway.

To me, the real dangerous weapon is a person with the intent to kill. That is what matters. If a person has the intent to kill, that person is the weapon it doesnt matter what other instruments he uses. In some cases a gunshot is one hell of a warning. Imagine if that guy Holmes had used 2 knives in the movie theater instead of a gun. If you are sitting in a dark theater with 2 razor sharp knives, how many people could you kill, injure, maim? You could probably slit 2 or 3 throats before anyone even realizes there is something happening, then you get in 4-5 more stabs before people start screaming and rushing out. You get a few more stabs as the people pile up on each other.
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Well-Known Member
Five dollars added to every property tax should cover it,.....I think...with extra to pocket too.

Dems. What say you all ?


Well-Known Member
Somebody gotta pay for all this data checking and raising taxes or adding fees in an election year is well,....??


Well-Known Member
Special permits that are cost prohibitive to any buyer that wants a military type weapon (you want to play games, pay for it) no magazines that hold more than 10 rounds period, and a MANDITORY 3 month waiting period for any gun, with EXTENSIVE background checks, that would be a good start and still respect that curse of the 2nd Amendment. I live in CT, and they gave me a carry permit after 2 stints in a hospital for rehab, multiple arrests for simple possession, one for felony ,possession, and 3 DWI's. How the fuck is that allowed? I couldn't believe it when I got it. Thanks NRA.
40 calber S&W revolver, holds 6, and shoots great at 30 yards. Nice pistol, and I love it.
So instead of 1 x 30rnd magazine you want them to have 10 x 10 magazines?

It takes practically no time to swap clips, that's kinda the point...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I doubt it. 1st of all, I stopped drinking (mostly). 2nd of all, mandatory 1 year in jail and forfeiture of license forever if arrested, not even convicted of DWI again (no pleas) 3rd it was a long time ago, and now I have grown up, (my little boy helped me) So, never say never, but I will in this case
Well Jim,

You are not alone. Back in the mid seventies I was riding a panhead chopper and hanging out with biker types having fun and drinking. And over a ten year period I also got 3 DWI's, I beat the second one and was convicted on the first and third DWI. Then I quit drinking and pretty much ended what was a my live and learn years. I still ride choppers with friends but the night life has been long gone for me.

In the town where I have lived sense the seventies at least half the bars have closed down and the night life for partying has diminished a great deal. I have replaced drinking with smoking dope and now it seems like we can get in trouble all over again for DWI's with THC in our system. I am not sure whats going to happen down the road but I could be one joint away from jail time all over again before the cops can choke down pot being legal in Oregon. If I quit smoking pot for a month I would more than likely still fail a blood test for being under the influence of THC. It will take some time for the cops to cool off on the legalization of pot. But we could be one toke away from a life changer the way things are going. I do not smoke pot in my truck , but I do carry some sometimes in an air tight jar.

Anyway good job on the quitting drinking. Every now and then I will drink a beer or a glass of wine but not very often for a very long time now.


Well-Known Member
In the town where I have lived sense the seventies at least half the bars have closed down and the night life for partying has diminished a great deal. I have replaced drinking with smoking dope and now it seems like we can get in trouble all over again for DWI's with THC in our system. I am not sure whats going to happen down the road but I could be one joint away from jail time all over again before the cops can choke down pot being legal in Oregon. If I quit smoking pot for a month I would more than likely still fail a blood test for being under the influence of THC. It will take some time for the cops to cool off on the legalization of pot. But we could be one toke away from a life changer the way things are going. I do not smoke pot in my truck , but I do carry some sometimes in an air tight jar.
Then why do you vote republican?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So when you're in jail for some marijuana offense, you'll just keep repeating because I'm a businessman, yeah that's it.

Smart as rocks.

Your intolerance and mad-on for one of your members speaks volumes.

The hypocritical bullshit, double standard preaching - "We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling." is quite amusing.

Hey amigo, we go way back. WTF is going on with you these days? How about setting an example as opposed to being such an antagonist gang banger with the membership? You might not agree with him but unless you're totally against the 1st amendment, he does have a right to be heard and you should be defending that right, not trying to censor it in a passive-aggressive manner.

Uncle Ben