in need of some weed!!!

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Well-Known Member
alot of talk about paranoia lately!! well heree's my weed!!! anybody north of tampa!!! pm me.. yeah... yeah....we don't do that here...:joint:


Well-Known Member
I wish everyone on this site had no problems at all finding weed. I dunno if its just cuz its the summer time which is normaly dry or people are smoking less. seems like every other hour one of these threads pops up.

its a shame people are so damn paranoid on here.

suck my dick 50 times over if I hear another "Bacon" post ughhh


Well-Known Member
alot of talk about paranoia lately!! well heree's my weed!!! anybody north of tampa!!! pm me.. yeah... yeah....we don't do that here...:joint:
bra not a good move to ask fo smoke on da net.

Even if someone was to say yea..
Okay either they gon rob u or dey 5-0.

If it was me rob.

Either pple think u 5-0 or a dumb ass.

So chill out use common sense.
U shouldnt be growin if u cant see this as a bad move.

Aint tryin to shit u just think about it..
Is it even worth gettin ran up on or tore off.



Well-Known Member
The reason this isn't allowed isn't because we just don't want you to, it's the fucking reason overgrown got shut down. Have some respect and stop posting trash like this please.


Well-Known Member
This is a website for growing cannabis, not buying it. Sometimes a good break from weed is good, because you will get extremely high if you stop for a while and then smoke again.
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