Miracle Gro fert - has anyone used this?


New Member
It's a foam that you squirt a few times then water after. Trying to upload a picture but I'm doing this from my phone so I'm not sure it will work.


Lol foam nutrients. I've used miracle gro plenty of times back in the day with good results but there are so many other brands that are better. I wouldn't waste my time with it but I would be interested in seeing the results.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm miracle gro. Nutrients made from your local toxic sewer. No joke. Miracle gro uses toxic sewage as their "organic " base. It even says that on their website. Keep in mind miracle gro is own by Scotts located in New Jersey . Scotts / MG is also partnered with Monsanto - GMO's and chemical weapons and in Obama's cabinet.

Monsanto has a company called Midwest bio ag. Which is a cannabis specific nutrient company. They stole their name and logo from the real Bio Ag. The real Bio Ag is engaged in Law suits with Monsanto. They sued Monsanto for copy right infringement. Maxum Yield has banned all Monsanto and scotts companies from their expos. That includes general hydro / organics.


Well-Known Member
I can get you some nice slightly used titanium

ingots from Чернобыль(

they are perfectly safe ..yeah?

nice root ...nice!
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Well-Known Member
Only a rank 'fool' would consider using any Monsanto product, grower ,patient or causal toker

very rare do 'medical' growers admit their sins to any likely patients often too often

they only care for cash using the medical an a weak excuse

nice root ...nice!
Stop doing dabs and posting. Nobody understands anything your saying.


Well-Known Member
It's a foam that you squirt a few times then water after. Trying to upload a picture but I'm doing this from my phone so I'm not sure it will work.
As a whole MG products are not used in the mmj industry. Real growers use more mmj plant specific nutrients, soil, and equipment. We have our industry standard and we dont pinch pennies. Use MG on your tomato garden next year. Go buy some real fertilizer and your work will actually taste good and flower right.


Well-Known Member
used mg for many years. works fine, infact i still use it often.
cannabis specific nutes lmao.
that was good.
i mainly grow landraces out of central/south america.
my garden is tailored to plants that also came from that area. nute ratios are different for different strains. cannabis came from around the world

50:50 mg perlite and african violet soil works great as a base. some bone meal and molasses can carry the rest of the way some greensand is nice. or even just mg bloombooster and some epson.


Well-Known Member
used mg for many years. works fine, infact i still use it often.
cannabis specific nutes lmao.
that was good.
i mainly grow landraces out of central/south america.
my garden is tailored to plants that also came from that area. nute ratios are different for different strains. cannabis came from around the world

50:50 mg perlite and african violet soil works great as a base. some bone meal and molasses can carry the rest of the way some greensand is nice. or even just mg bloombooster and some epson.
Some guys use em, cant say they dont. But 95% of growers (just a guess, theres no poll yet), would laugh at the stuff. Hell ive never used it and never would so im just speculating all the way. Im being honest here ok? ;) but seriously, you can germinate seeds in rice. It works, flint spammy did it and we all watched, but would I advocate it? Mmmm probably not. Not because it can't work, but because its not what has been recognized in the community as a verified go to and trusted line of products. I mean would you grow your violets in coco? You could but they might not look like the violets were used to right? Shit i could grow violets in rice probably but there something more violet specific that violet growers use isnt there? African violet soil maybe?


Well-Known Member
And as far as plant specific nutrients go. Lets all look at bud ignitor together. Its sold specifically for marijuana. It works. If you don't believe me go buy some and feed half the room with it and youll see. It totally may have been made for some other plant but it works amazingly for marijuana so its marketed as such. People in white coats did research and studies on the effects and figured they could charge a crazy amount of money for this product because it works so well for marijuana. Then they stayed in business because people use it and KEEP using it because it works. Now you cant tell me that some of these companies that make "marijuana specific" nutrients dont have all the micros and macros at the right proportions for the plants growth needs can you? NPK obviously isnt any more plant specific from weed to wheat grass, but canna will out perform miracle grow 365 days out of the year and thats a fact jack :):):)


Well-Known Member
you mean hydro shop or cannabis specific store?
because theres a reason mg is a household name..its everywhere. maybe you should think about the politics, prices and profit margins of products stocked in said stores. hint think large scale and other crops

but you can keep thinking bud ignitor or whatever was actually developed by people in white coats..better yet not the fake coats on the website with a hipstery looking dude but phds and related degrees.. in a study thats not laughable. for example much of my info comes from the good folks at ncbi, but you probly dont know what that stands for

ive grown organic, hydro, out/indoor. been doing this bout 2 decades.

so saying canna out performs and that its a fact, while admitting your only speculating is rediculous.

do you know why those afican violets go in that woody soil?

do you know how to properly germ? why you should or shouldnt use rice? why the cup of water method isnt as good as the papertowel? how nutes effect burn ratios?
how p effects terp production and k expands when burning more efficiently? just as an example

do you know ANYTHING at all about the science of growing cannabis?


Well-Known Member
There is someone floating around here that uses mg soils and nutes and grows beautiful plants.

After seeing his grows I don't listen to the anti mg crowd anymore. I don't use mg but wouldn't hesitate if I was in a pinch.


Well-Known Member
you mean hydro shop or cannabis specific store?
because theres a reason mg is a household name..its everywhere. maybe you should think about the politics, prices and profit margins of products stocked in said stores. hint think large scale and other crops

but you can keep thinking bud ignitor or whatever was actually developed by people in white coats..better yet not the fake coats on the website with a hipstery looking dude but phds and related degrees.. in a study thats not laughable. for example much of my info comes from the good folks at ncbi, but you probly dont know what that stands for

ive grown organic, hydro, out/indoor. been doing this bout 2 decades.

so saying canna out performs and that its a fact, while admitting your only speculating is rediculous.

do you know why those afican violets go in that woody soil?

do you know how to properly germ? why you should or shouldnt use rice? why the cup of water method isnt as good as the papertowel? how nutes effect burn ratios?
how p effects terp production and k expands when burning more efficiently? just as an example

do you know ANYTHING at all about the science of growing cannabis?
Haaaaaahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaaa!!! Ok im done laughing at this post.

Did you just try and tell me that because you know some stuff about growing weed that the miracle grow line is just as good as say the canna line? Fire it up then, canna coco with the whole canna nutrient line up vs. MG soil and the whole MG line up.... ... ....

Ok let me tell you who would win (but im just speculating because i havent really done this ever) ;)...... Drumroll...... Cannaaaaaaa. Your not convincing anyone that MG is better, or even at par just because you use it and you know stuff about stuff and read scientific America.

The facts are that theres real guys with white coats who get hired by multi million dollar companies to study the marijuana plant and they work for multi million dollar companies like canna. I love how people on forums think theyre all smarter than all the nutrient companies put together. God its laughable. You want tests, you want real results? Go do em. Buy some bud ignitor and do half the room like i already said. Id use the stuff but its too expensive. I wont buy it because it costs more to use than you make up impo. All im saying is that it works and it's marijuana specific, like canna, not like MG.

Man if you love MG so much then why dont you use the soil exclusively without amending the crap outta it? And why dont you use all their fertilizer? Cause im sure its faaar cheaper than some of the other stuff on the market. Probably because the miracle grow line up isn't marijuana specific is it? But if you want to pound out some plants just go to a hydro store <(marijuana specific store) and say, "load me up with canna everything!" And go. Done. Comes with a chart and everything. Cause the hipster in the fake lab coat with a phd and a post doc studied what cannabis needs to be great and named the line...CANNA. and not miracle grow. Sorry man.

T minus five minutes until someone starts screaming,"SHOW ME STUDIES PROVING ANYTHING YOU JUST SAID". Because seriously, i don't know any of this as fact. Im just guessing that a multi million dollar company like canna would hire a real scientist to do work on their world wide distributed product. But really, ive never met them in person so you might be right. They could hire fake scientists and you probably know more than them. ;)