cause of light green leaves?


Active Member
I disagree, the back right plant is not healthy and the back left looks like its started to get effected by whatever is going on.

Check for bugs, overwatering, and root rot.


I disagree, the back right plant is not healthy and the back left looks like its started to get effected by whatever is going on.

Check for bugs, overwatering, and root rot.
Back left is fine but the back right got off to a terrible start took ages to pop through. Then i rushed it under the 600w mh when it probably wasn't ready for that intensity. Definitely no bugs maybe a touch of over watering.


Active Member
Back left is fine but the back right got off to a terrible start took ages to pop through. Then i rushed it under the 600w mh when it probably wasn't ready for that intensity. Definitely no bugs maybe a touch of over watering.
It doesn't look like light stress to me, but maybe.

keep an eye on the back left I think it will go down hill next. Refer to pictures rather than checking every day, when you check everyday its easy to mistake daily changes. If the back right keeps getting worse, then look at its roots, I see pythium getting misdiagnosed a lot around here. Also a yellow sticky trap should be up at all times to monitor for bugs, just cause you dont see them does not mean they are not there.


Well-Known Member
I haven't mate. Can u suggest any good nitrogen nutes for it.??
Well, if u good on $$ I'll advice u to get advance nutrients trio. Or fox farm trio. But if u broke i guess u can use miracle grow, look at the npk ratio in the pack. 30/15/15 should be fine. Start with low dose 1/4 strength solution and work ur way up. If burn occur back off a little. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. They also do the canna stuff in my local hydro shop think thats around £10 i will look into the miracle grow first
Start at 1/4 strength every 14 days. If she take it well then u can do it every 7 days. Feed, plain water then feed again and so on. But look at the leaves tips if u see burn tips then back off a little good luck. And post results!!! Toke on ====~~


Well-Known Member
Back left is fine but the back right got off to a terrible start took ages to pop through. Then i rushed it under the 600w mh when it probably wasn't ready for that intensity. Definitely no bugs maybe a touch of over watering.
No more artful dodgers being able to rip you off with subpar have flown above that nonsense and are providing your own! You'll be impressed i promise!


Well-Known Member
There are much better cheaper options out there rather than miracle grow...if you need to use a one part due to budget,I recommend a quality nutrient like dyna gro foliage pro for example.I've used it several times right through flower with good results when things are tight.


Start at 1/4 strength every 14 days. If she take it well then u can do it every 7 days. Feed, plain water then feed again and so on. But look at the leaves tips if u see burn tips then back off a little good luck. And post results!!! Toke on ====~~
Well I must say it's been the runt plant out of the 4 the light green sorted itself out but it's just never been right. Look in comparison to the rest lol

