Club 600

Hey everybody! I hope you all are having a stony evening. We are in week 4.5 of flowering out of 10.

Mammoth (Densest of the strains I am running. Classic Indica skunk/hash scent)

Glass Slipper (Probably the greasiest out of the 3 strains I am running. Flowers and leaves are absolutely caked in extremely sticky resin. Smell is a combo of champagne, fresh ocean breeze, and berries)

Citrix (Best smelling of the 3 strains. I would best describe the scent of this plant as an "exotic/sexual chocolate mixed with a fresh ocean breeze and a mango/grapefruit)


All 3 are covered in trichromes top to bottom and seem to be really packing on density especially the mammoth.



Hoping for a decent yield come first or second week of December. :bigjoint::leaf:
Preppin my room for a garden and looking to kill all the spiders in there.
My Pest Man had sprayed the room but it didn't work so he told me to fog the room instead.
So I went to Lowes they had 3 varietys of for$6, $10, $13
Don't bother buying this Hot Shot bug Fogger6 with odor Neutralizer.
IT don't work!
I set it off in a small EMPTY 400 square foot room with lots of big black spiders on the walls and everywhere.
Next day, spiders still on walls and alive and kicking. This was the cheap one at only 6 bucks, after asking the bonehead worker at Lowes which is the best he said they are all the Same! yeah right.
going to return it for a full refund and get the RAID one and hopefully that will do the job.
