Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Staff member
I STILL need to watch that!!!
no offence but ..its been a day and half since it premiered its fair game now, its not spoiling anymore since its been aired and had time to be aired for most people

at this point i think its fair game for us to be able to discuss it we even omitted the names as a gesture of fairness
its not our fault you choose to stream it when it was available 1 hour online to torrent
not to sound harsh so please dont think i am being so

and i totally 100% respect people waiting until after the pacific coast gets to watch and even until the next day ..but the rest of the world isnt going to wait until you watch it
to make sure we dont spoil it for you.

if you feel so strongly that you do not want it to be spoiled stay off social aspects of the internet.
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Well-Known Member
no offence but ..its been a day and half since it premiered its fair game now, its not spoiling anymore since its been aired and had time to be aired for most people

at this point i think its fair game for us to be able to discuss it we even omitted the names as a gesture of fairness
its not our fault you choose to stream it when it was available 1 hour online to torrent
not to sound harsh so please dont think i am being so

and i totally 100% respect people waiting until after the pacific coast gets to watch and even until the next day ..but the rest of the world isnt going to wait until you watch it
to make sure we dont spoil it for you.

if you feel so strongly that you do not want it to be spoiled stay off social aspects of the internet.
Are cartoon boobies okay to post?
I STILL need to watch that!!!
I'll respect your thread and not spoil your favorite show.


Staff member
Are cartoon boobies okay to post?

I'll respect your thread and not spoil your favorite show.
i did respect her thread i didnt spoil anything in this thread, she read random jib jabber which is not her thread, than tagged me in this thread saying i ruined it for her
which i did not

no offence but if youre going wait longer than 24 hours to watch something as big as walking dead and something happens on the show dont go on social media/aspects
for the record i knew people would have not seen it hence the mention of no names.
but im not going to completely not talk about it until the rest of the world sees it or downloads it

no they are not to answer your question


Well-Known Member
i did respect her thread i didnt spoil anything in this thread, she read random jib jabber which is not her thread, than tagged me in this thread saying i ruined it for her
which i did not

no offence but if youre going wait longer than 24 hours to watch something as big as walking dead and something happens on the show dont go on social media/aspects
for the record i knew people would have not seen it hence the mention of no names.
but im not going to completely not talk about it until the rest of the world sees it or downloads it

no they are not to answer your question
Um…I was kidding when I called you a RUINER. hahaha

I was just trying to be funny. EPIC FAIL.

You never said who it was, and I already knew. My roommate and I have been talking about it, and he was telling me the differences between the comics and the show.

Man, I shouldn’t be such an asshole on here all the time. Everyone thinks I’m a DICK!



Staff member
Um…I was kidding when I called you a RUINER. hahaha

I was just trying to be funny. EPIC FAIL.

You never said who it was, and I already knew. My roommate and I have been talking about it, and he was telling me the differences between the comics and the show.

Man, I shouldn’t be such an asshole on here all the time. Everyone thinks I’m a DICK!

well its a good thing you already know or else buddy above you did for you


Well-Known Member
thank you for pointing that out.:cool: well then, i amend my statement to say there are certainly plenty of RIU members who don't think she is; sorry to offend those who do think she's a d*ck--carry on.;-)
Awwwwe thanks!!!! I think you’re great too!

@Yessica... my love, no one could EVER possibly think of you as a d*ck :hug: you're too cute and funny (in a compulsive funny way (is that okay to say to you?)). bongsmilie
The ones that Do think I’m a deck, are real fucking vocal about it…hahaha