Who cares. That obviously excisive. Zero resistance. Fuck that pig for sure..What did she do?
What would you need to hear that would excuse this this behavior? This is a grown man assaulting a child, and a girl no less. I'm going to quote a line from the movie "A Time To Kill". Now imagine she was white.What did she do?
Race doesn't matter...What would you need to hear that would excuse this this behavior? This is a grown man assaulting a child, and a girl no less. I'm going to quote a line from the movie "A Time To Kill". Now imagine she was white.
Race always matters in America, unless you're white. (White) people love to trot out the "That could happen to anyone" line but, for some reason, it never actually seems to happen to "anyone". Why is that? #BLACKLIVESMATTERRace doesn't matter...
The pig is an asshole, if you think he wouldn't do the same to a white person then you're delusional.
She had the audacity to be black at school.What did she do?
The brutality won't stop until more police lives are taken! Fuck the Police! They will beat women, children, and the handicap! Kill them all!
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Why hello..and good morning! Been thinking of you<hugs>lol
You so cray...
In all fairness, he was trying to escape.
Race always matters in America, unless you're white. (White) people love to trot out the "That could happen to anyone" line but, for some reason, it never actually seems to happen to "anyone". Why is that? #BLACKLIVESMATTER
I think it is time to let black lives matter people police them selves. Fuck the cities and the people that don't respect freedom our police have made possible. The cops don't get paid good enough to put up with this shit.
Are you a cop, like desert dude?#policelivesmatter
At least police try to better the community.
They also commit much less crimes tho they can be corrupt as well.
Your life doesn't matter to them.#policelivesmatter