Race doesn't matter...

The pig is an asshole, if you think he wouldn't do the same to a white person then you're delusional.
Race always matters in America, unless you're white. (White) people love to trot out the "That could happen to anyone" line but, for some reason, it never actually seems to happen to "anyone". Why is that? #BLACKLIVESMATTER
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Race always matters in America, unless you're white. (White) people love to trot out the "That could happen to anyone" line but, for some reason, it never actually seems to happen to "anyone". Why is that? #BLACKLIVESMATTER

No it does happen to everyone. I had my ass beat by a cop when I was a kid and I deserved it. Difference is I don't feel like I'm a victim of my skin color I was a victim of being a dumb punk ass kid. Maybe that girl was being a dumb punk ass too.

Doesn't make it right but a persons behavior is the problem as opposed to skin color!