Rand Paul: Dem Race Now a Choice Between ‘Socialism and Corruption’

So you are welcoming me to debate. What exactly is your assertion and what are you suggesting my position is?
What assurance do I have you will not simply declare yourself the winner? Since you glorify your attempts to murder, your word as a man is not good enough for me. Who will be the neutral 3rd party moderator?
What assurance do I have you will not simply declare yourself the winner? Since you glorify your attempts to murder, your word as a man is not good enough for me. Who will be the neutral 3rd party moderator?
Dude, I don't even know what the fuck you're asserting or what you think I'm asserting about theft or what ever you're trying to debate.
Dude, I don't even know what the fuck you're asserting or what you think I'm asserting about theft or what ever you're trying to debate.
You assert all wealth is created by labor. I assert that wealth can be created by theft, and that theft can be so easily done, it couldn't possibly qualify as labor. Yet wealth for the thief is created.
I look forward to your explanation of how theft qualifies as labor.
Theft is the transference of wealth, not the creation.

Wealth created without labor is either through discovery or artificial. The Fed creates wealth out of thin air, my beanie baby that came with a happy meal was created by labor, making it worth 1000 dollars had nothing to do with labor, that artificial wealth was based on emotion, yet it's value going from 25 cents to 1000 dollars still happened, and the wealth created happened without the labor's purpose. A small earthquake or simple erosion uncovers precious minerals on my property creates wealth.

AC is mostly right about labor's role, but he gets in trouble with his almost religious belief in his bumper sticker sayings. There are exceptions to every rule right?
You "obtained" wealth by stealing someones labor. You have created a need for govt. Thanks.
How is gob'mint going to stop/prevent/resolve the theft of hash, cash, or jewels during a 420 party?

Labor was not stolen. The end result of something is not the same as the start. A mammal's offspring upon birth is not the same as the intercourse that created said mammal. I get that its the end result, but the energy has been transferred into something else. I think the theory you're confused with is how energy is never lost, it is simply transferred. Kidnappers crime is not rape of the parents of whomever they stole.

What if the theft was a natural resource? The land owner is doing no labor in regards to the natural resource. The land owner never intended to get this resource from his land, and didn't even know it was there. His loss potential is zero. He was never going to peruse the extraction of natural resources, because he was self sustaining on his land. Some people come along and do all the labor required to extract the natural resource from his land. They pay him 1% of the profits since he did no labor, but is the land owner. So as a land owner, did he steal the labor of those who extracted the natural resource? Or does he have a right to their labor?

Same scenario, but instead of paying him 1% they get hired goons with guns for an expense of 0.1% and tell the land owner they are taking what they want. He is out numbered, and out gunned. He can either die fighting for something he was never going to peruse anyway, or he can accept he was never going to peruse the natural resource and let them having it, and keep living after they leave.

Theft creates wealth. Period.
Theft is the transference of wealth, not the creation.

Wealth created without labor is either through discovery or artificial. The Fed creates wealth out of thin air, my beanie baby that came with a happy meal was created by labor, making it worth 1000 dollars had nothing to do with labor, that artificial wealth was based on emotion, yet it's value going from 25 cents to 1000 dollars still happened, and the wealth created happened without the labor's purpose. A small earthquake or simple erosion uncovers precious minerals on my property creates wealth.

AC is mostly right about labor's role, but he gets in trouble with his almost religious belief in his bumper sticker sayings. There are exceptions to every rule right?

Labor is then a transfer of wealth from earth to humans. Food, precious metals, coal, oil, wood, and water. All comes from mother earth and your labor is merely a transfer of wealth from Earth to Humans. Earth creates all wealth if we're going split atoms, where a man can't create his own fiscal wealth according to his abilities.
notice how the ultra liberals here have huge, obnoxious signatures. whats that about? a representation of themselves i suppose?

Does that look like a successful economic system to you?

And Hillary Clinton is so high up on that chart the width of a pixel is too big to represent the percentile she is in.

Yet somehow she is going to fix it by giving you free college.

ROFLMFAO!!! After college you still have to find someone willing to pay you.

Maybe she can legislate that too for ya....
And Hillary Clinton is so high up on that chart the width of a pixel is too big to represent the percentile she is in.

Yet somehow she is going to fix it by giving you free college.

ROFLMFAO!!! After college you still have to find someone willing to pay you.

Maybe she can legislate that too for ya....
Clinton doesn't support universal education, and I don't support Clinton

Ultimate fail

At least get your talking points straight before you try to look cool for Uncle Ben..
So 4 years in the military (which you joined voluntarily) and you think you've figured it all out and are entitled to other people money for the rest of your life?

Declare victory and that's it?

You arrogant piece of shit.

I'm entitled to what I pay for. I don't spend taxes to pay for contractors salaries. I also don't spend taxes to line politicians pockets. I spend my taxes to ensure my fellow Americans are provided the basic necessities required by liberals and conservatives alike; basic healthcare, basic education, infrastructure, police/fire/teachers, you know, the shit necessary to run the country - that shit.

Apparently you think it's all war, all wall street, all bailouts, all trickledown..

Well, we, collectively, say "FUCK YOU", bail yourself out

Cry more, because your tears fuel my fire, asshole

You crying louder than ever means we're doing something right. So scream, you fucking asshole, the more you hurt because of your crybaby positions the more we prosper.
I'm entitled to what I pay for. I don't spend taxes to pay for contractors salaries. I also don't spend taxes to line politicians pockets. I spend my taxes to ensure my fellow Americans are provided the basic necessities required by liberals and conservatives alike; basic healthcare, basic education, infrastructure, police/fire/teachers, you know, the shit necessary to run the country - that shit.

Apparently you think it's all war, all wall street, all bailouts, all trickledown..

Well, we, collectively, say "FUCK YOU", bail yourself out if you want to subsidize the risk and privatize the profit.

Cry more, because your tears fuel my fire, asshole

You crying louder than ever means we're doing something right. So scream, you piece of shit, the more you hurt because of your crybaby positions the more we prosper.
No crying here bro, just fairly predictable that a leech like you wants "full socialism" so you can get more cheddar off the backs of people who actually work for a living.