Amir's first grow (lots of helps needed here)

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Dude this seedling is about to die
One died already
It seems like Pythium
But the healthy one is growing roots out of cup just like this one so I'll transplant her
This sick seedling looks like this now
View attachment 3529720
Man I don't think it was wise that you started in coco because you should not have one issue at least the first two to three weeks of the plant's life, next time I think that you should start in pro mix or something like that! And you need to do a lot more research people on this site want everybody to fix their problems instead of researching for their self, I didn't get to where I'm at by other people telling me what to do I took the time and I found out myself!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a lack of phosphorus man from my experience. Purple stem, leaves all discolored. I just went through it.


Well-Known Member
Here was early sign, stems went from red to purple, then my leaves started spotting as seen. Now the fan leaves are almost yellow with severe signs of phosphorus deficiency

I do hope its genetics though. But the way your plant is acting, it seems all too familiar of what I went though this past week.


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Well its just 10days old so it can't be any nutrients deficiency
Plant clinic said it must be because of ec and my coco is cheap and salty
So he advised me to transplant it to a little bit biger pot of peat-perlite no coco anymore that cheap coco is salty and useless
So im gonna get rid of that damn coco
And move them to peat
I'll show you the results later
And tnx for quotes and advises


Yeah bro i should have started in soil
Now im gonna transplant this baby to peat and if she recover
I have 2 more seeds in germinating and they will be planted in soil as well
Man I don't think it was wise that you started in coco because you should not have one issue at least the first two to three weeks of the plant's life, next time I think that you should start in pro mix or something like that! And you need to do a lot more research people on this site want everybody to fix their problems instead of researching for their self, I didn't get to where I'm at by other people telling me what to do I took the time and I found out myself!


Well-Known Member
Well its just 10days old so it can't be any nutrients deficiency
Plant clinic said it must be because of ec and my coco is cheap and salty
So he advised me to transplant it to a little bit biger pot of peat-perlite no coco anymore that cheap coco is salty and useless
So im gonna get rid of that damn coco
And move them to peat
I'll show you the results later
And tnx for quotes and advises
I don't know how growing in Coco works or if it has nutes like a soil promix does that it can feed from . Does it feed the seedling with nutes for the first while like most promix soils do, or are you feeding it? If it's not cold, and its not genetics, all I can think of is Phosphorus problem from the look of it. Someone can most definitely correct me if I'm way off base here but like I said, I just went through this because my soil has no more nutrients left. I looked all over the place as to why my stems which were green, were now turning pink, red then to purple in a matter of 2 days.

Signs for me were stems turning pinkish ---> Drooping leaves / stems -----> Stems turinng reddish ------ (Watered - no nutes) ------> slight leaf uptick from drooping ------> Stems turning purple, fan leaves blotching and leaves drooping again after short recovery. -------> (Watered - Full serving of nutes) ------->Fan leaves yellow with weird blotch discoloration / Plant recovering / No more drooping / Non affected leaves and new growth ok again. Today shes happy.

Again, just trying to help. I'm sharing what seems pretty similar except for age of plant. My phos problem also stunted my plant for about half a week.

Although I hear its common for reddish stems the first couple days/weeks or by genetics. My understanding is your is turning purple from green....

PS - If Coco doesn't have nutes like promix soil etc .. then I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to how much you would have to put food in your water for something so small.
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Well-Known Member
I keep hearing things like this when I research about coco grows.

As soon as a seedling sprouts in coco and lose their helmet you need to start feeding @0.5ec. Raise the ec in increments of 0.1 as the plant shows growth. A safe ec to be at is 1.0 and then you need to determine at that point whether to raise or,lower the ec....
You can alternate feeding with cal/mag and your nutrients or, use 50/50....

Not feeding at this time may cause slow growth and stunted plants....

During the seedling stage you can let the medium dry out and get more oxygen between watering/feeding with little to no runoff.
Older mature plants it is wise to maintain 30% runoff to avoid salt build up, unless you are in total control and have your nutrients dialed in....
Edited by colafarmer, 12 March 2013 - 05:09 PM.

Hell if ya got nothing to lose on em, try a little food and see what happens
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