Ready for 12/12?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Its the internet lol. It is what it is! Either join the fun, yes I find it amusing actually, or leave because its not gonna change here. I blame the mods for most of what is happening here but its a job I wouldnt want and to ban everyone that was rude would be a monumental task now.


Well-Known Member
This site is definitely full of tossers, on my first grow i had guys telling me to restart my crop as all my plants were dying and it would be a waste of time to carry on, and i very nearlly did, luckily there are guys on here who are good growers with good advice to offer and you willusually find its the good growers who are more down to earth and not so quick to slate every imperfection ones plant may have, i appreciate constructive criticism, what i dont like is those who are clearly here giving it the big i am, yet when you check there profiles alot of them dont even have any proof that theyve grown before yet they feel comfortable telling other growers what they should and shouldnt do, wiki growers, those growers who think copy and pasting shitty old articles means there in the know... my god!!! i do wonder why i even bother posting sometimes... haha not all are bad though ive chatted with many on here who are decent guys willing to help, its just a shame you have to sift out the bullshitters to find them .....

Sensitive Rant Over.....

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Let it out man lol. Yes there are some great people here that are willing to help. I've been growing pot for many years and know shit really lol. Luckily I know enough to know when the advice is worthy of consideration or not lol. Poor pity the newbs though, a hundred different suggestions and perhaps a few spot on helpful lol.


Well-Known Member
Let it out man lol. Yes there are some great people here that are willing to help. I've been growing pot for many years and know shit really lol. Luckily I know enough to know when the advice is worthy of consideration or not lol. Poor pity the newbs though, a hundred different suggestions and perhaps a few spot on helpful lol.
Lol. In the end, you better be able to adapt and help yourself. I needed a little help making the transition from outside to in once. A lot the same and a lot different...I don't care if you grew a million pounds outside, you're more sensititve to a yellowing leaf inside, outside who cares...

And it's next to impossible to judge what's happening in a picture without perfect photography. Light glare alone changes the color and all these 'what's my deficiency' questions can be simple pH fluctuations/lockout 99.998% of the time...


Well-Known Member
You have to be able to pick up that pot, rotate it around, look on the bottom, the top, etc.

If you're sick, do you just send your doctor a picture? Hell, go see him/her so he/she can look at you all over and under and get some real idea of what's going on...


Well-Known Member
In the end though, I can virtually guarantee you'll figure it out if you have a little intelligence and persistence.

It's just a weed....a very hearty weed that's pretty tough to kill after it's a couple weeks old...


Well-Known Member
Wise words appreciated gentlemen..

Quick question, is canna boost worth the price? At the moment im just using canna a and b, and cannazym, oh and a tiny dose of rhizotonic but im stopping the rhizo as of next feed, also whats the best times to start using pk 13 14, should i just give the full strength dose at 5 weeks into flower or i thought maybe start with quarter strength at week 3 building up to full strength at week 5?? Will be my first time using these products as ive always used vitalink brand before canna..


Well-Known Member
Never used it. The only coco guy I know personally uses GH stuff.

And he flushes a lot more than I do.
I wish i had room enough to flush but i have an attic crawl space enough for 10 plants and thats my veg, flower, dry, and curing room lol the only way i could flush is in the bath and it would make a right old mess, which my girl wouldnt let slide so easy so im kinda fucked should i ever need to flush


Well-Known Member
I wish i had room enough to flush but i have an attic crawl space enough for 10 plants and thats my veg, flower, dry, and curing room lol the only way i could flush is in the bath and it would make a right old mess, which my girl wouldnt let slide so easy so im kinda fucked should i ever need to flush
have you used coco before? not familiar with canna nutes...but you can get salt build up fast in coco. canna nutes surely have a feeding schedule (that may overfeed like most schedules, I always use less and watch them)...but they should mention flushing on their schedule, one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
have you used coco before? not familiar with canna nutes...but you can get salt build up fast in coco. canna nutes surely have a feeding schedule (that may overfeed like most schedules, I always use less and watch them)...but they should mention flushing on their schedule, one way or the other.
Yh ive only ever used coco coir.... my girls seem to be really taking off 5 days into flower, debating wether or not to turn my 3rd 600w on or maybe just wait a couple more weeks...



Well-Known Member
I used to use Fox Farm and they certainly mention it prominently. Flush more in coco with FF.
A couple of my close friends put me onto coco coir, now they are pretty experienced in producing big ass plants, and they say theyve tried every medium and although it can be tricky but once you figure it out you wont find a medium that produces like coco does.


Well-Known Member
Shes a tall one, i couldnt risk one getting that tall in my space... how long do typically veg them for?
I guess it depends what one considers veg. There's the seedling stage and veg. stage. Mine kind of run together, gray and blurry, Lol. I have never gone into flower later than 6 weeks from seed, and usually more like 5, and occasionally 4.5ish with a spectacular start. So technically, I'm only true vegging for a week or 2 if one considers the 1st month to be seedling stage.

Also, when you run multiple strains from seed...they don't all grow at the same rate, some are more advanced that others going into flower. I also always run one 'mystery' seed from somebody's bag of high end weed. So I have a plant with unknown genetics. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out what to do with it. You can take a schwag seed and turn it into something good, so you can take a rogue seed out of a high end expensive bag (likely a selfed seed) and definitely get something good, sometimes outstanding.

If I truly vegged for a month...I would have less control, plants would be too big and I'd have to use hormones to freeze the size. And even with hormones, they still stretch an inch or two or three.

This is, after all, a useful hobby...just for me. I don't sell weed, I give excess away to my inner circle of friends who in turn find me seeds from the world over. Some of my friends do a lot of traveling.


Well-Known Member
12 days into flower amd they seem to have taken off very nice.. still not lush green from top to bottom but the new growth is overtaking over at such a fast rate there becoming less noticable, this is why i get pissed off when guys on here get snotty over a few effected leafs as from the little experience i have it doesnt seem to matter as long as you can an eye on it and sometimes it seems inevatable that your gonna lose or end up with a few damaged leafs... btw am i spelling leafs right? Or is it leaves? Lol


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
12 days into flower amd they seem to have taken off very nice.. still not lush green from top to bottom but the new growth is overtaking over at such a fast rate there becoming less noticable, this is why i get pissed off when guys on here get snotty over a few effected leafs as from the little experience i have it doesnt seem to matter as long as you can an eye on it and sometimes it seems inevatable that your gonna lose or end up with a few damaged leafs... btw am i spelling leafs right? Or is it leaves? Lol

Leaf is singular, leaves are plural.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I guess it depends what one considers veg. There's the seedling stage and veg. stage. Mine kind of run together, gray and blurry, Lol. I have never gone into flower later than 6 weeks from seed, and usually more like 5, and occasionally 4.5ish with a spectacular start. So technically, I'm only true vegging for a week or 2 if one considers the 1st month to be seedling stage.

Also, when you run multiple strains from seed...they don't all grow at the same rate, some are more advanced that others going into flower. I also always run one 'mystery' seed from somebody's bag of high end weed. So I have a plant with unknown genetics. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out what to do with it. You can take a schwag seed and turn it into something good, so you can take a rogue seed out of a high end expensive bag (likely a selfed seed) and definitely get something good, sometimes outstanding.

If I truly vegged for a month...I would have less control, plants would be too big and I'd have to use hormones to freeze the size. And even with hormones, they still stretch an inch or two or three.

This is, after all, a useful hobby...just for me. I don't sell weed, I give excess away to my inner circle of friends who in turn find me seeds from the world over. Some of my friends do a lot of traveling.
I'm so confused lol. Veg stage, seedling stage, WTF lol. Its veg or flower, just two! How do you know when seedling switches too flower? I bet you are one of the true flower group as well huh lol. Just kidding but lets just keep it simple so you dont confuse us old folks lol