Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the real issue. Generations of Blacks have been kept in poverty and kept on the outside of society because of convictions for MJ. I don't see how people can not say, "this law was created as a racist tool by the elite." And then we don't do something about it...#blacklivesmatter, well then get on board with decriminalization. Blacks are 3x as likely to be arrested for MJ. The black population is 20% or higher in poverty. I see a correlation between these two, but maybe I am just bitter .
Btw, what can the president do for MJ? Umm anything and everything. It's not constitutional, therefore it's not in the hands of the Supreme Court, the decision lies with the Executive Branch which is headed by....
Btw, what can the president do for MJ? Umm anything and everything. It's not constitutional, therefore it's not in the hands of the Supreme Court, the decision lies with the Executive Branch which is headed by....