Well-Known Member
Interesting statistic there. Please provide the source. It would be interesting to see the total number each percentage represents. Is 1 pie 100,000 and the other is 500,000?
Statistics are cut-and-dry, and they do not lie. According to the FBI’s most recent homicide numbers available, from 2011, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians. (Of murders committed by Blacks, only 14 percent were of whites.) And because whites are the majority in the country — there are six times as many whites as there are Blacks — that means they commit the most murders. This could be viewed as startling to many, especially whites, because hardly ever is “white-on-white” crime dissected in the media. As an example, Time magazine’s Joe Klein wrote an entire column recently on crime, focusing on the Black community and calling it a “social disaster.” But there was no mention that whites overwhelmingly are killed by whites, which was typical of media outlets.