I have seen the video and you may be embellishing his size but yeah, I saw it and this cop in the video may not have deserved what she got but 9 out of 10 do and I am willing to sacrifice an innocent pig or two, in the name of civil unrest and justice.
You really think 9 out of 10?

Maybe it's different where I live. I think it's more 2 out of 10.
read up on sociology studies on position and behavior. We are all human and even you, if dealing with criminals would become jaded after so many interactions. Doesn't make any bad behavior and they're accountable for their actions but any authority in a bad area will eventually become bad either by being criminals with the criminals or criminals against the criminals. Pick your poison. You're dealing with humans

No ones stoping you from policing your own neighborhood or asking the police what you could do to mitigate them ever having to be in your neighborhood.

You can be proactive or reactive and reactive will never be as good and furthers discrimination from you and from the police. But it's easier to do nothing and talk shit about police online isn't it?
Happens to marines who went to Iraq too. Seems like they lost their faith in the goodness of people. There was no goodness in the things they were forced to do and they saw the conditions the Iraqis were living under.

If you want to talk about jaded.
If nobody ever covered these things, then how would people know of it happening? You can't protect the people by keeping them ignorant. That's why this thread started in the first place. The media only covers these stories when it fits their narrative. Everybody else is just a racist. right?

Exactly ;)

Cherry picking, juvenile anger directed at authority figures....all the liberal bullshit is right chere.

@bearkat42, I'm not your dad that beat and abandoned you as a kid. Get over it........
The problem with the so-called "good cop" is they lose credibility when they "just do their job" while knowingly harming peaceful people, which most cops will readily do at the drop of a hat.

It shows a lack of understanding on their part. They are valuing obedience to arbitrary authority over morality and usually attempt to distance themselves from their personal responsibility for their actions when called on it. "I'm just doing my job" is a lame excuse. Yet it is still offered as some kind of "not my fault" excuse.

Enforcing legal but immoral laws was once the excuse used by slave catchers when they legally returned slaves to their masters and by Nazis during the Nuremberg trials after WW II. Cops still use that excuse everyday in the USA.

Most cops are obedient to their pay check, spineless and have no moral compass. They are perfect for the job of protecting coercive government. Fuck them.
Exactly ;)

Cherry picking, juvenile anger directed at authority figures....all the liberal bullshit is right chere.

@bearkat42, I'm not your dad that beat and abandoned you as a kid. Get over it........
The cocksucker was fired!! And I'm going to ignore your little jab. I know your feelings are hurt. It's OK. Klansmen need love too.
Homicides in communities of color have definately risen but not by the hands of the police.

Witness Chicago who has very strict gun laws - 16 murders in September. That's a record for one month.

All lives matter, especially cops' who put their life on the line every day to protect us.
Lol, cops? Fuck'em All!!
I agree.

I wonder if cops have anger management courses or some type of class they have to take every year to help them cope with the stress in a healthy way.

They are taught how to lie in court, how to confiscate property without a trial and how to use intimidation tactics against people that present no threat to anyone. They also have stupid haircuts.

No moral person can remain a cop and not become stressed, since part of their job relies on them enforcing legal, yet immoral edicts.
They can't separate any "goods and services they might provide, from the "bads and disservices" they commit...if they try to, they get fired.

As far as most cops go, they can't go far enough to avoid the inherent contradictions they face. However most cops never face or are even aware of the inherent contradictions, due to their low intelligence, those cops usually have "successful" careers as legal criminals.
wow, someone out there is epic with M$ paint. clearly i got in by so obviously being the enemy. or perhaps i got in because im so closely similar in goal and understanding? listen......im cool with laughing at myself. i gotta wear sun screen, so im the inferior race when it comes to surviving the sun....i get it...haha, no bigge.....but when its kids who cant take care of themselves? thats different...i like how you ignored that, you must be for hurting children too? pedophile.
Woah. Time out.

It is truly not a black problem. It is a family problem. Any time you have the father missing or parents who don't discipline and encourage their children to succeed you have a high probability of that child being stuck in the crowded ghettos.

Have you ever been to a trailer park where most of the residents are trashy white people? Drugs, sex, and violence there too.

Poor people and people stuck in ghettos. When they give up, their children see it and take on the attitude of the adults.
What's really sad is the fact that if I'm pulled over, the very first thing that I do is call 911 and I let the officer know that I'm on the phone with a dispatcher because I fear for my safety. These are the cats that I pay to PROVIDE me with that safety.
Damn... may be time to move.
Woah. Time out.

It is truly not a black problem. It is a family problem. Any time you have the father missing or parents who don't discipline and encourage their children to succeed you have a high probability of that child being stuck in the crowded ghettos.

Have you ever been to a trailer park where most of the residents are trashy white people? Drugs, sex, and violence there too.

Poor people and people stuck in ghettos. When they give up, their children see it and take on the attitude of the adults.

Damn... may be time to move.
Clearly he's still alive so guess the cops are not that bad where he lives. He's just racist to white cops and discriminates against all cops!

His effort is spent on being apart of the problem. Ask if he's done anything to help fix or mitigate the problem! He just promoted discrimination and segregation!