They are taught how to lie in court, how to confiscate property without a trial and how to use intimidation tactics against people that present no threat to anyone. They also have stupid haircuts.

No moral person can remain a cop and not become stressed, since part of their job relies on them enforcing legal, yet immoral edicts.
They can't separate any "goods and services they might provide, from the "bads and disservices" they commit...if they try to, they get fired.

As far as most cops go, they can't go far enough to avoid the inherent contradictions they face. However most cops never face or are even aware of the inherent contradictions, due to their low intelligence, those cops usually have "successful" careers as legal criminals.
Well written and accurate.
Same as a white boyfriend saying fuck all blacks. You ignrant disctimitive loser! Get a life and something to live for and stop promoting discrimination.
Bearkat is not promoting discrimination. He is exposing the PIGS for what they are. How can you be racist to a diverse organization?
Do I use racial slurs? That is hilarious coming from someone who is defending what epitomizes the very definition of a racist, authoritarian, organization, THE FUCKING POLICE. It is you who has the "upmost" respect for the police and you want to accuse me of using racial slurs? Don't open your mouth to accusations you can't defend because you just lost all credibility, you PIG!

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Damn. That officer has incredible thrust.
I would like to see a minority yell like that in a PIGS face.
What in the fuck does this have to do with the BLM movement?
Absolutely nothing. That man was a criminal with a cold heart. Taking out some kids when all they did was try to give him money for drugs.

I MO there are bad people left right up down black white cop civilian.

All should be held accountable for their actions.
Why are most of the Republicans on this site racist or crazy?

Frick en A!!!

I think the human Republicans avoid the politics section customers of this nonsense.
Same as a white boyfriend saying fuck all blacks. You ignrant disctimitive loser! Get a life and something to live for and stop promoting discrimination.
Somebody's fellings are hurt!! And white boyfriends say that all of the time. Welcome to America!
Who ever he is he's not bright

hes grouping all police as bad. That's no different than grouping all people of a race as bad. That Is discrimination
We know there are good police officers but they are the minority in a brutal, racist, authoritarian, organization. I don't mind sacrificing a few pigs for the benefit of society.