Don't encourage him, He thinks its all right for AN ADULT to fuck a child. As long as the child consents
Ohh, then let me be clear. I AM, IN NO WAY, ENDORSING THAT TRAIN OF THOUGHT OR ANYONE WHO HOLDS THOSE BELIEFS!! Because sleeping with minors in my home (whether they give "consent" or not) will get you stabbed.
I think they need to take cops out of our schools. They violate our kids rights everyday.
This cop was the school resource officer there. He should of called for back up.
Then had all the kids leave the room

That action would of got little miss Bitch pants out of the chair. If not they could of pried her out by force or taded her.
I fucking despise police. I dislike anyone who looks down upon others. And they do that consistently even to my white ass that's for sure

Okay. However your first two sentences seem to convey a contradiction. If you despise cops why AREN'T you looking down on them too ?
To myself and practically all adults that aren't sexual predators, the decision whether or not to have a sexual relationship between an adult and a 13 year old child is not one that the child can make. The child's capacity to understand the consequences of this decision is not present nor will it be for several years. In this case the one best able to make the decision is the adult and they must make the decision to leave the child alone.

You keep talking about how a child might be able to consent yet you run away from answering the question of how one can tell when one child can consent to a sexual relationship with an adult and another cannot. What criteria would you use to tell the difference between a 13 year old child that can consent to a sexual relationship with an adult and another 13 year old child that cannot?

I already said when I was 13 I'd have consented to banging an 18 year old chick, but she wasn't game. That was a very long time ago. I was fully aware of what I would have been doing and made other arrangements with a different young lady who was younger. It was the best 3 seconds of my life.

In the present I can't answer your question though, since it's of no interest to me. Therefore there is no criteria for me to evaluate. You'll have to come up with your lines for how to do the babysitter on your own. I can't help you there. Sorry.

You did however mention that you thought at least some individuals could develop the wherewithal to consent within "several years" of 13. Are you willing to put a number on that and are you saying that there never could be a person of 13 with the wherewithal to consent, ever? How do you know this?
Rob Roy had a sexual relationship with an adult. Why an adult wanted to have sex with a 13 year old...

Maybe she wanted a sex puppy that she could dominate? Demented shit.

Your story is entertaining but a bit off the mark. As a strapping lad of 13, I had a relationship with a young lady 2 years older than me at the time, the 18 year old wasn't as interested as I was. Maybe she'd heard rumor I was too large for her small frame.
Your story is entertaining but a bit off the mark. As a strapping lad of 13, I had a relationship with a young lady 2 years older than me at the time, the 18 year old wasn't as interested as I was. Maybe she'd heard rumor I was too large for her small frame.
So can an adult have sex with a child of 13 if the child consents?
Your story is entertaining but a bit off the mark. As a strapping lad of 13, I had a relationship with a young lady 2 years older than me at the time, the 18 year old wasn't as interested as I was. Maybe she'd heard rumor I was too large for her small frame.
These guys are accusing you of being a pedophile for banging a 15 year old at the age of 13?
Although the guy went lil over board but i am also pretty sure he told her to stand up or what ever just because shes not only stupid but also black ring a bell ?? could this be how she was brought up hell if someone is brought up hating on porch monkeys ??
Maybe she heres it every day from her own parents being racial to a point towards cops ,, maybe her brother was in trouble with cops and she has no respect for them ??
if a cop pulls you over and asks for your lic n registration and you do not comply what happens >>????
if your arrested and do not comply what happens ..
In this day n age cops also live by fear not because there right or wrong its because even kids bring guns to schools or people carrying guns ,,

When a group of army guys went to a iraqy home did they knock and say could we please come in and look around ???
Or did they kick the fucking door down and point there gun in everyones face
I am not saying he did or didn't but if he did, I would like to know. That is quite an accusation to make on somebody. Show us why you assume this.

He's a bitter prohibitionist and thinks people that engage in weed transactions should go to jail.

So can an adult have sex with a child of 13 if the child consents?

I'm not endorsing it, but have you finally found one that would consent to your advances?
Although the guy went lil over board but i am also pretty sure he told her to stand up or what ever just because shes not only stupid but also black ring a bell ??
if a cop pulls you over and asks for your lic n registration and you do not comply what happens >>????
if your arrested and do not comply what happens ..
In this day n age cops also live by fear not because there right or wrong its because even kids bring guns to schools or people carrying guns ,,

When a group of army guys went to a iraqy home did they knock and say could we please come in and look around ???
Or did they kick the fucking door down and point there gun in everyones face

I am concerned for the well being of your children.