Or dragged the desk with her in it out into the hall and the situation would have been over. I'm sure we'd still see the video and still be race baiting over it, but there are so many different choices the cop could have made.
It's not like he didn't have time to assess the situation. The girl was refusing to leave her seat lol.
Dude she's not getting away with anything. She was suspended.

The guy injured her.

She attempted to injure the officer first by hitting him. Should he have just pointed the no no naughty finger at her and continued to beg for her compliance?

Still say taser, then no one would of got hurt.
Yeah, he should have begged her for another hour, teaching all the other students F*CK THE POLICE.
Instead what that police officer taught kids in his charge was that strength and the use of it to force others to do what you want is acceptable. @ginwilly said the kids will just forget it and move on. They will move on but won't forget it. They saw that violence can be used to get what they want. Is this what schools are supposed to be teaching?

In any case, that girl has a lot to deal with. The girl, I hope, can get to the "move on" phase.

Fact of the matter is, she was not being a threat to her class or the officer.

She wasn't saying fuck the police. She was saying fuck the world leave me alone.

Go stand out int he middle of the road and hold traffic up and say fuck the world leave me alone. Keep doing it after a cop tells you to move, and then repeatedly hit the officer, see how well that works out.
Go stand out int he middle of the road and hold traffic up and say fuck the world leave me alone. Keep doing it after a cop tells you to move, and then repeatedly hit the officer, see how well that works out.
I'm sorry...

Was she breaking any laws? Was she endangering anyone?


You have no idea what goes on in the mind of a troubled and depressed teenager. Her teacher should have known her mother died.

I have been physically assaulted before and it is not something you have time to think how you will react.

This girl was using her phone to numb her pain. Something that just required counseling to fix. Not being slammed on the ground.
Even as he is moving her to the front of the class which is 6-8 feet away not across an entire room, she tries to kick him in the face.
She attempted to injure the officer first by hitting him. Should he have just pointed the no no naughty finger at her and continued to beg for her compliance?

Still say taser, then no one would of got hurt.
Until that cop moved to flip her out of the desk, she was passively resisting. You are saying that tasers should be used against people that are not threatening anybody? Fortunately, the use of tasers on people that are passively resisting an order is not part of the use of force continuum policy in place, even in Florida

Table 1: Use-of-Force Continuum
Suspect resistanceOfficer use of force
1. No resistance 1. Officer presence
2. Verbal noncompliance 2. Verbal commands
3. Passive resistance 3. Hands-on tactics, chemical spray
4. Active resistance 4. Intermediate weapons: baton, Taser, strikes, nondeadly force
5. Aggressive resistance 5. Intermediate weapons, intensified techniques, nondeadly force
6. Deadly-force resistance6. Deadly force
Adapted from the Orlando, Florida Police Department's Resistance and Response Continuum
She attempted to injure the officer first by hitting him. Should he have just pointed the no no naughty finger at her and continued to beg for her compliance?

Still say taser, then no one would of got hurt.
Exactly, because everyone knows that tasers don't hurt?
Until that cop moved to flip her out of the desk, she was passively resisting. You are saying that tasers should be used against people that are not threatening anybody? Fortunately, the use of tasers people that are passively resisting an order is not part of the use of force continuum policy in place, even in Florida

Table 1: Use-of-Force Continuum
Suspect resistanceOfficer use of force
1. No resistance 1. Officer presence
2. Verbal noncompliance 2. Verbal commands
3. Passive resistance 3. Hands-on tactics, chemical spray
4. Active resistance 4. Intermediate weapons: baton, Taser, strikes, nondeadly force
5. Aggressive resistance 5. Intermediate weapons, intensified techniques, nondeadly force
6. Deadly-force resistance6. Deadly force
Adapted from the Orlando, Florida Police Department's Resistance and Response Continuum

I assumed chemical spray was a step above being tasered. I've been hit by both, and even though it was suppose to be for fun, the chemical spray was absolutely terrible in comparison and I didnt have any fun for a while after that.
Until that cop moved to flip her out of the desk, she was passively resisting. You are saying that tasers should be used against people that are not threatening anybody? Fortunately, the use of tasers on people that are passively resisting an order is not part of the use of force continuum policy in place, even in Florida

Table 1: Use-of-Force Continuum
Suspect resistanceOfficer use of force
1. No resistance 1. Officer presence
2. Verbal noncompliance 2. Verbal commands
3. Passive resistance 3. Hands-on tactics, chemical spray
4. Active resistance 4. Intermediate weapons: baton, Taser, strikes, nondeadly force
5. Aggressive resistance 5. Intermediate weapons, intensified techniques, nondeadly force
6. Deadly-force resistance6. Deadly force
Adapted from the Orlando, Florida Police Department's Resistance and Response Continuum
^good shot to know.
He threw her! She was flailing cause she was scared and hurt.

She doesn't know if this guy is gonna kick her or break something.

So if I get scared and hurt, I can hit cops, even though I tried to hurt them first?

She knew damn well if she just listened what was going to happen, a calm walk and a talk session in the office. But she didn't listen, and something else happened.
I assumed chemical spray was a step above being tasered. I've been hit by both, and even though it was suppose to be for fun, the chemical spray was absolutely terrible in comparison and I didnt have any fun for a while after that.
we can agree on this, for sure.
Until that cop moved to flip her out of the desk, she was passively resisting. You are saying that tasers should be used against people that are not threatening anybody? Fortunately, the use of tasers on people that are passively resisting an order is not part of the use of force continuum policy in place, even in Florida

Table 1: Use-of-Force Continuum
Suspect resistanceOfficer use of force
1. No resistance 1. Officer presence
2. Verbal noncompliance 2. Verbal commands
3. Passive resistance 3. Hands-on tactics, chemical spray
4. Active resistance 4. Intermediate weapons: baton, Taser, strikes, nondeadly force
5. Aggressive resistance 5. Intermediate weapons, intensified techniques, nondeadly force
6. Deadly-force resistance6. Deadly force
Adapted from the Orlando, Florida Police Department's Resistance and Response Continuum

Another angle shows after his hands are around her and he starts to pull her out of the desk she strikes him repeatedly in his head/face area.

Thats not what I would consider being passive. Not aggressive, but active resistance.

Seriously, she's lucky he didn't play it by the book and spray her. So is everyone else in that room.
So if I get scared and hurt, I can hit cops, even though I tried to hurt them first?

She knew damn well if she just listened what was going to happen, a calm walk and a talk session in the office. But she didn't listen, and something else happened.
Something happened all right. Your friendly neighborhood dumbass is unemployed.
Another angle shows after his hands are around her and he starts to pull her out of the desk she strikes him repeatedly in his head/face area.

Thats not what I would consider being passive. Not aggressive, but active resistance.

Seriously, she's lucky he didn't play it by the book and spray her. So is everyone else in that room.
So, do you usually just stand there when someone grabs you around the neck? Just curious.
So, do you usually just stand there when someone grabs you around the neck? Just curious.

No, but if a cop asks me to do something that I should do, Im a gonna do it right away.

So I wont need to fight back, there be no fight.

If she had just grabbed his arm, thats understandable and a normal reaction.

But reaching up and hitting is a different reaction. She wasn't trying to just get free, she was trying to hurt him.
No, but if a cop asks me to do something that I should do, Im a gonna do it right away.

So I wont need to fight back, there be no fight.

If she had just grabbed his arm, thats understandable and a normal reaction.

But reaching up and hitting is a different reaction. She wasn't trying to just get free, she was trying to hurt him.
If a PIG stuck his cack in your mouth, would you resist?