From what I understand its like a cousin of cannabis. Ph is very close and usually when they grow you pick the largest vine and cut away the rest then you string up to 10-18 ft poles a friend of mine grows his and sells em wet to a local brewery he gets paid for the hops and get to try the final productLooking into getting some hop rhizomes anyone ever grown them? Whats the time perios from rhizome to mature harvestable plant?
the link i posted has products for sale its organicThis is very interesting to me as Im also a home brewer. Ive thought of growing hops but have never been able to find my "select prefrence". I brerw alot of ales, and i can always find willamette and citra, cascade. These are all popular and very common dry hops I see at the store. Amongst others. And even as far as buying the root rizhomes, same shit, all common.
Does anyone know of a specialty type place. One that has off the wall shit. I could use a good link if anyone has knowlege. Id be interested in chinook, golding and tomahawk.
And they do have the chinook. Thank you.the link i posted has products for sale its organic