Mars hydro 2

If you have wi-fi internet...that will tell you too...when it goes down every time the lights go on.

Not necessarily. I had a lumatek 1000W running next to my router and it had no issues but my media player would cause the tv to flicker if the lamp cord was to close to it. Another things I learnt last week was that HAM radio is affected by digital ballast quite a bit. A customer came in and told me his neighbor came over and said I know what you are doing and don't care but you're killing my reception LOL

About 5 years ago I had a guy run two 1000W digitals in an apartment building. When the ballasts came on it would kill everyone internet in the building. The landlords called in the cable company and they saw crazy static coming from his line lol. They contacted him and wanted to check out the lines in his suite. He came into the shop panicking now knowing what to do. I told him go tell them you got a new HID digital balllast for your aquarium. So he printed out a website with a photo of a Galaxy 400W running a bulb in an aquarium. He showed it to them and said he has not gone back to the old fluorescent light. They believed him lol.
Well after doing some light research if I were to go led it would have to be American made no chineses shit with customer service only in the middle of the fucking night. That seems to be the marshydros biggest complaints. It's only going to be a small room and height is 7.5' so the led advantages intrigue me. Keeping the room at the proper temp would be much easier and the plants can get closer to the lights without burning them. ADV LED seem to have much better customer reviews. I can't find much on tastyLED other then his post on other sites. I'd like subjective reviews not just the word of the seller/builder.
I need to ask, I just bought 2 x 300watt galaxyhydro lights, I can't get a good answer on light distance to canopy, I was told 8 inches to 48 inches. Can you set the record straight for me.
It doesn't matter that the ballasts are RF protected you can't top the bulbs from acting like a giant 20-50K hertz antenna.
I need to ask, I just bought 2 x 300watt galaxyhydro lights, I can't get a good answer on light distance to canopy, I was told 8 inches to 48 inches. Can you set the record straight for me.
Your better off asking this question in the LED sub forum.
From someone who has had the cable guy at his door, it's hard to take advice. Only way I would be happy is if I could take a dozen out of the box and test therm all with the radio. This was 4 years back that a single hydro star had the service guy at my door asking to do a walk through of every room that has a outlet. At this point I'd rather buy gavita de fixtures or magnetics.
Soon as I showed the owner at the store he was freaking. We set up the radio and unboxed the ballast I brought back. Told me some guys are running alot of them and that isn't good.I'd love to get my hands on the galaxy grow amps that claim no RF and are FCC approved for residential and commercial. Also It might be solistek that came out with a filter set 1 for lamp cord and 1 for power cord.
It doesn't matter that the ballasts are RF protected you can't top the bulbs from acting like a giant 20-50K hertz antenna.

This is news to me..they may vibrate but are they producing a strong enough signal to interfere with anything? IDK...they pass the radio test?

If this was something to be concerned about, it would apply to all digital ballast...even Gavitas
Soon as I showed the owner at the store he was freaking. We set up the radio and unboxed the ballast I brought back. Told me some guys are running alot of them and that isn't good.I'd love to get my hands on the galaxy grow amps that claim no RF and are FCC approved for residential and commercial. Also It might be solistek that came out with a filter set 1 for lamp cord and 1 for power cord.
Those filters are the same as the one on your computer power cord...I think.
100% effective is magnetics, good old work horses easy to repair. Nothing longer then 5 minutes. @redijedi what ballasts you have? And how many at 1 location
100% effective is magnetics, good old work horses easy to repair. Nothing longer then 5 minutes. @redijedi what ballasts you have? And how many at 1 location
I have all lumatek ballasts...4..mounted on a board with a flip. Also had a 400w mh in the closest right next to my router... No problems.

My ballasts are at least 5 years old...the newest one.
antennas?! putting out frequencies :lol: Electrical engineer type talk here .....

someone is listening to your grow room eh

I had several videos of YT of digital ballasts and AM radio. I did it for Lumatek, Nutrilife, Advanced and Ace. Best part was the AN sales guy came it on day and said ohhhh you stirred the hornets nest with your Bad Ass Ballast video (He knew what my YT chan was as I had tons of video from licensed places) He said he was given orders to find out who was the owner of the YT channel. LOL he kept his word and never said anything. Besides some customers asking for it its one of the reason I kept selling AN in my store. I hate the BS the owners spew but there are some good people that work there and do try to neutralize the BS that comes out of Big Mikes mouth.

I still might have the vidoes on a storage HD. will see if I can locate them.
100% effective is magnetics, good old work horses easy to repair. Nothing longer then 5 minutes. @redijedi what ballasts you have? And how many at 1 location

Magnetic were better right now except for the Hydrotek Starlight kits you can't find any ballasts that have a nice copper core in them. Its all cheap ass Chinese shit.