no seriously. How can somebody know about a third video and what it shows if they haven't seen it?
I'd like to see it and you would too. Am I wrong?
Why on earth would I give a fuck about a 3rd video? I've seen all I needed to see, and apparently so has his ex-boss.
Officer Slam, as he is known around the school, finally got caught. This hulking and extremely muscular policeman with a history of brutality had already been accused of violating a black army medic's rights. It is simply never necessary to to use such excessive force against an unarmed teenage female. Policemen should be tested for steroid use regularly.

I just can't believe the amount of republicans choking on cop dick on a pot growing forum.
Why on earth would I give a fuck about a 3rd video? I've seen all I needed to see, and apparently so has his ex-boss.
JACK POT! How inconvenient would it be to find out more information? We've already made up our minds, right? Why wait for Obama's DOJ to complete their investigation? What if the truth doesn't support the cause? We can't have that, you would rather we lynch this mother fucker right now, right?
One video is already incontrovertible evidence. Two videos got him fired and could probably get him prosecuted. Do you really think a third video is going to help this steroid addled ex-cop?

The lengths to which these fools are defending this blatantly obvious case of excessive force against a (FEMALE!) child, leads me to the conclusion that there may actually be forces far more sinister at work here. The evil that dare not speak it's name. Could there be racis... Wait, never mind. Not in 2015 America. What was I thinking.
7 years without a complaint...he'll be a cop again and very soon.
No he wont ever be hired as a cop again. he fucked up big time. He could of handled it differently. Hopefully the girl will be charged with resisting and battery to a cop she deserves that as well
No he wont ever be hired as a cop again. he fucked up big time. He could of handled it differently. Hopefully the girl will be charged with resisting and battery to a cop she deserves that as well
Not gonna happen sweetheart. You're a complete fucking idiot if you think that they are gonna charge this girl with ANYTHING. Right now, they're just hoping that this asshole didn't cost them a bunch of money.
Not gonna happen sweetheart. You're a complete fucking idiot if you think that they are gonna charge this girl with ANYTHING. Right now, they're just hoping that this asshole didn't cost them a bunch of money.
she is currently being charged. you didn't know that?
Not gonna happen sweetheart. You're a complete fucking idiot if you think that they are gonna charge this girl with ANYTHING. Right now, they're just hoping that this asshole didn't cost them a bunch of money.
Whatever man, This girl refused to leave class, give up her cell phone or comply with the cop. What do you suggest they do?
Cop got rightfully fired for excessive force. The girl should be brought up on resisting and officer, battery to a police officer and disorderly conduct.
Whatever man, This girl refused to leave class, give up her cell phone or comply with the cop. What do you suggest they do?
Cop got rightfully fired for excessive force. The girl should be brought up on resisting and officer, battery to a police officer and disorderly conduct.
Not goin' down, playa.
Vacation time. Cops make decent coin, I bet he has a good time. But he better enjoy it because that new jobs starts soon...
Bet he's not looking at it that way.