Yep, she punched him AFTER he grabbed her around the neck. I would have done the same thing.
Well the police officer has been dating a black woman for quite some time.


Grabbing the back of the neck is taught in most detaining classes military and police attend because of something goes wrong you can gain control.

You are just racist to white people and discriminative to people who try to better the communities.

Seeing her punch him, the first violent action he was just subduing her. Had she somehow gotten his pistol likely she's shoot him because she's probably taught to be racist to whites and discriminate against cops.

You have nothing intelligent to say to the cop dating a black woman because it doesn't suit your hatred for whites and cops.

You should spend your time trying to accomplish something in life rather on this forum.

Also I believe the cop will get his job back!

I'd ask "what trap?" but I'm afraid that you'd probably tell me.

You need more than ,... nope,.. you actually need to say why you disagree, or I will just yup and nope you to no avail.
Just saying,.. Nope I`m right you`re wrong is ,...well,....guys like you.
Did you really say that thinking that I would give a fuck? You can't be serious right now, lol.

I already know you don`t, When one selects partial posts and replies to that sentence, unless the reader goes back and looks, you appear to be on top but look at the rest of it and you show cowardice.

Funny how that works and even funnier that you think nobody knows that.
So is the company in this thread,...one is just bestowing their rank upon the rest.
He's black. He's allowed to be racist. He's proven he's ok with conditionally discriminating against white cops.

He's same as any KKK member, just other side
I already know you don`t, When one selects partial posts and replies to that sentence, unless the reader goes back and looks, you appear to be on top but look at the rest of it and you show cowardice.

Funny how that works and even funnier that you think nobody knows that.
He's black. He's allowed to be racist. He's proven he's ok with conditionally discriminating against white cops.

He's same as any KKK member, just other side
How many times can you be wrong in one post? I hate ALL fucking cops. In fact, I probably hate the black ones more. And I will pose the same thing to you. Go look up the definition of the word "racism", and then come back and tell me how that applies to me. And when did I ever burn a cross in someone's yard? Never lynched anyone either. But according to you, I'm just like the Klan? What grade did you drop out of again?
How many times can you be wrong in one post? I hate ALL fucking cops. In fact, I probably hate the black ones more. And I will pose the same thing to you. Go look up the definition of the word "racism", and then come back and tell me how that applies to me. And when did I ever burn a cross in someone's yard? Never lynched anyone either. But according to you, I'm just like the Klan? What grade did you drop out of again?

Hate, if it`s there, hidden or not, starts you down the wrong path grasshopper.
One word answer of guilt. You are here to instigate,...nothing more.

So you know, I can do a much better job at instigating that you will ever be capable of. You`ll need AP rounds and intel,...you have neither for me.
Wow, you got me. You're superior intellect have exposed me for the charlatan that I am. I knew that I'd never fool you, but I had to try. Foiled again!
Wow, you got me. You're superior intellect have exposed me for the charlatan that I am. I knew that I'd never fool you, but I had to try. Foiled again!

Don`t accuse me of being smart, it wont work,.... the trick is to smell it out, guys like you can`t hide the odor.