There seems to be a correlation between

It's not nice to say STFU.

So are you saying that a person at 15 could knowingly consent to sex with another person of 15, but it is impossible for them to knowingly consent to sex with a person a few years older? How does that work? Is there a physical thing that happens or is it magic?

How does a person have the ability to consent to sex with a peer, but not to sex with a person that is not an age peer? Does their ability to consent play hide and seek dependent on the age of the other person or the level of discomfort it might cause people like you?

Also I've never said all people of any age are capable of providing consent. I've said that which is possible, even unlikely, remains possible. For something to be impossible you'd need to explain why it is impossible. The question I asked in bold above should be answered too.

I didn't become a legend until a few years later, these things take time. At 13 I had barely scratched the surface.

You continue to argue that some children can consent to sex with an adult and others cannot. Explain to me how one 13 year old child can consent to sex with an adult and how another one can't. By refusing to answer this question, you concede that you are wrong.

The issue about sex between like-aged children is one confronted by adults for ages. You seem puzzled about the difference between the actions of a pedophile on a child and two children involved in sex. Must it be spelled out to you? When two children have mutually agreed to have sex, neither have the ability to understand the full consequences of the act. Its up to the parents to prevent it and they may be disappointed in their child if they don't approve but its nothing unlawful. When an adult is involved with a child then the elder is able to understand and must say no.

Again, you put the decision on the child and not the adult. You focus on the child and not the adult. No wonder people think you are one of those people. Personally, I think you were damaged by your earlier liaisons. Your narcissism, your lack of empathy and your defense of something that happened so long ago are flags that this is so. You might just be one of those people.

Still laughing at you over your self portrayal as some grand lover. You are an old man, living in poverty, using a neighbor's refrigerator and calling yourself a legend when you were a kid. It would be sad if you weren't such a jerk.
As a last resort
taser the kid. Or we could just go on and on and on asking pretty please will you please leave class
Use force that causes extreme pain, trauma and potentially lasting injury to gain control of a kid that refused to give up a cell phone? You'd do this to regain control of a classroom. There are any number of alternatives to doing this but you'd go with the taser instead of a beat down, neither of which make sense to me considering the circumstances.

You can't tell me that the issue of a teenager acting up is anything new. Other schools don't have the incredible Hulk patrolling their hallways and classrooms empowered to beat or taze children if he "loses it". Are you recommending this as a nationwide policy? Act up and get tazed, pepper sprayed, beaten or all of the above? Other schools have developed policies and procedures that avoid this. Oh and don't forget this happened to a black kid. People can argue that it could have happened to a white kid too but, no, it happened to a black kid, not a white kid ... again. Apparently, a backward school board in Podunk Nowhere failed to modernize. You are wrong on this.
You don't understand the meaning of racism. It's not just about bias towards one side or another. You are an ignoramus.
Some on this thread throw around the word racist constantly with no validation of a person being racist, of which they are in cohorts with OP and feed off each other in their stupidity that if you disagree it's because you're racist.
So the word is arbitrarily used against them with the same considerations.
Some on this thread throw around the word racist constantly with no validation of a person being racist, of which they are in cohorts with OP and feed off each other in their stupidity that if you disagree it's because you're racist.
So the word is arbitrarily used against them with the same considerations.
Nope, you misuse the word racist. You don't understand the word. You are ignorant. Racists have a hard time understanding the word too.
Use force that causes extreme pain, trauma and potentially lasting injury to gain control of a kid that refused to give up a cell phone? You'd do this to regain control of a classroom. There are any number of alternatives to doing this but you'd go with the taser instead of a beat down, neither of which make sense to me considering the circumstances.

You can't tell me that the issue of a teenager acting up is anything new. Other schools don't have the incredible Hulk patrolling their hallways and classrooms empowered to beat or taze children if he "loses it". Are you recommending this as a nationwide policy? Act up and get tazed, pepper sprayed, beaten or all of the above? Other schools have developed policies and procedures that avoid this. Oh and don't forget this happened to a black kid. People can argue that it could have happened to a white kid too but, no, it happened to a black kid, not a white kid ... again. Apparently, a backward school board in Podunk Nowhere failed to modernize. You are wrong on this.
The parent should have been called in and have beat that girls ass in front of them. However that's not the case and even the parents are screaming injustice when they are aware of the development that lead to the girl punching an officer of the law in the face. Great parents there, they so quickly and easily throw out racism and then play victim.

If you ever comment online talking bad about a persons behavior and they happen to be black you'll instantly be called a racist.
Beating children is never an answer to this kind of behavior. She was sitting in a chair and uncooperative but not violent when violence was visited upon her. Among many nonviolent alternatives you'd go straight to beating. I take back the "maybe" when I said you were "maybe stupid".

Its true that unless an individual demonstrates their racist beliefs openly, its difficult to prove racism of a single act, so this cop can hide behind this and claim lack of bias. Racism is demonstrated in the whole by the disproportionate numbers of acts like this on black people. For this reason, it is reasonable to be suspicious and to even claim racism when a cop attacks a black person. Based upon the statistics, I'd say, suspect racism unless one can prove it is not. In spite of the facts regarding the prevalence of racism involved in police beatings of black people, you'd say otherwise.
there are plenty of incidents of racism.
This is not one of them.
Tell me how you would of handled the situation?
Beating children is never an answer to this kind of behavior. She was sitting in a chair and uncooperative but not violent when violence was visited upon her. Among many nonviolent alternatives you'd go straight to beating. I take back the "maybe" when I said you were "maybe stupid".

Its true that unless an individual demonstrates their racist beliefs openly, its difficult to prove racism of a single act, so this cop can hide behind this and claim lack of bias. Racism is demonstrated in the whole by the disproportionate numbers of acts like this on black people. For this reason, it is reasonable to be suspicious and to even claim racism when a cop attacks a black person. Based upon the statistics, I'd say, suspect racism unless one can prove it is not. In spite of the facts regarding the prevalence of racism involved in police beatings of black people, you'd say otherwise. Again, you are ignorant and stupid.
Cop has been dating a black woman for a while.
I'd rather beat my child for not listening to an officer of the law than later in life my child as an adult assaults an officer of the law and goes to jail!

He attempted to physically remove her from the classroom after she disobeyed the teacher and principle and then the cop. She struck him in the face and he then negated her ability to be a threat at all. Cops having guns must quickly and sternly act to mitigate any possibilities of the combative person getting their weapon. Period!

There are people on this thread that teach their children to hate police.
The parent should have been called in and have beat that girls ass in front of them. However that's not the case and even the parents are screaming injustice when they are aware of the development that lead to the girl punching an officer of the law in the face. Great parents there, they so quickly and easily throw out racism and then play victim.

If you ever comment online talking bad about a persons behavior and they happen to be black you'll instantly be called a racist.
Her parents are dead.

Beating children is never an answer to this kind of behavior. She was sitting in a chair and uncooperative but not violent when violence was visited upon her. Among many nonviolent alternatives you'd go straight to beating. I take back the "maybe" when I said you were "maybe stupid".

Its true that unless an individual demonstrates their racist beliefs openly, its difficult to prove racism of a single act, so this cop can hide behind this and claim lack of bias. Racism is demonstrated in the whole by the disproportionate numbers of acts like this on black people. For this reason, it is reasonable to be suspicious and to even claim racism when a cop attacks a black person. Based upon the statistics, I'd say, suspect racism unless one can prove it is not. In spite of the facts regarding the prevalence of racism involved in police beatings of black people, you'd say otherwise.

This is flawed.

Should only Black people do crimes, only Black people will be arrested, beat, or shot. That would put Black crime creates forced racism,...No ?

Even if the majority of crimes are committed by Blacks,...the same would hold true if you use only stats. for grounds.

"The NBA is predominately Black athletes" is not racist.

"It`s too bad the NBA is predominately Black athletes",..... Is racist.

One is an observation,..... the other is a racist comment.

Don`t use stats. to determine definition. You can be wrong as you can get being honest.