This is the equality you want.... She screwed up and got her ass kicked just like a white person

Its a big problem tho because she's black and black kids are allowed to be stupid.... So racism
You literally ignored what I said and just repeated nonsense. I see where you're going though, you think white people are persecuted.

They're not.
there are plenty of incidents of racism.
This is not one of them.
Tell me how you would of handled the situation?
Why do you say its not a racist act? As far as the "situation" to be handled, I'd say leave it to counselors and not the cop. Violence is only appropriate when the kid is a threat to somebody. To have to resort to violence when a kid refuses to give up a cell phone, that school has lost the respect of its students and needs a complete overhaul. Specific to this situation, how about this; move the class to another room and leave the girl sitting in her desk alone? When nonviolence is the only option, people can get creative for how to resolve the situation.
Cop has been dating a black woman for a while.
I'd rather beat my child for not listening to an officer of the law than later in life my child as an adult assaults an officer of the law and goes to jail!

He attempted to physically remove her from the classroom after she disobeyed the teacher and principle and then the cop. She struck him in the face and he then negated her ability to be a threat at all. Cops having guns must quickly and sternly act to mitigate any possibilities of the combative person getting their weapon. Period!

There are people on this thread that teach their children to hate police.
You've got it backwards, beating children raises them to be violent as adults. Laying hands on kids only teaches them that violence is an acceptable means to get a desired action. It also begins a cycle of violent behavior that is very difficult to break. You like the idea of a cop restoring order in the classroom. Actually what happened is that the classroom lost all respect and trust for their school's staff. They forced temporary cooperation but bought more trouble later.
This is flawed.

Should only Black people do crimes, only Black people will be arrested, beat, or shot. That would put Black crime creates forced racism,...No ?

Even if the majority of crimes are committed by Blacks,...the same would hold true if you use only stats. for grounds.

"The NBA is predominately Black athletes" is not racist.

"It`s too bad the NBA is predominately Black athletes",..... Is racist.

One is an observation,..... the other is a racist comment.

Don`t use stats. to determine definition. You can be wrong as you can get being honest.
You are stating that police brutality is the norm and we should just accept it.

It is not acceptable.