Ted Cruz tears into the liberal CNBC moderators. WOW!

The concept that the cable companies are holding up the pants of these Network entities is something I have not thought of...I personally have stopped paying for Dish and I use Roku to access Amazon and Netflix and other things. News comes in many forms. Live sports is an issue. I could get MLB.com live streaming for out of market games but expensive...that could improve. HBO is now available for streaming now too. MSNBC has no chance.
You have the fucking Internet...

What you need bullshit news networks for?
You have the fucking Internet...

What you need bullshit news networks for?
Why, yes I do and sometimes I watch MSNBC for comic relief.

I have to also admit to loving Fox's "The Five" and "Red Eye" but I can stream them.
On another telling note...
Notice how quickly NBC stopped youTube clips of their debate.
No, never raped by a pastor because I have never stepped inside a church to worship. I am glad you see the correlation between religion and rape/sexual abuse. You are not very bright, are you? How can you claim to not be "religious" yet support a political party that structures their social policy in accordance with religious doctrine?

Like the 10 commandments?
Hahaha! To be honest, that is one of the best responses I have received here. I will back off because you made me laugh today and you are pretty witty.

Although, abortion is not immoral.

Perhaps you're not familiar with The Declaration of Independence, Inalienable Rights, or elementary biology? Your educational background has not only failed you, but society as a whole.
Fox News was actually taken out of the news section on my cable and put into the entertainment section, alongside comedy central and the rest.
Do you not live in Ireland? Do you even have a news network in that country? I thought BBC was the big thing out that way.
Do you actually watch this shit and consider it to be informative, objective news?
Actually, it is an opinion program that discusses the news and yes it is informative. Did you watch the clip? Eric Bolling, the day before the Dem debate, suggested that Bernie's handling of Clinton's mail server quesrion would tell us whether he was running for first or second place. Informative and prophetic. Gutfeld reminds us that Bernie also lied while he was handing his balls and the nomination to Clinton. He does not speak for the American people.
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And what "ilk" would that be, Harry? You're right though, most think of Ireland as the red-headed stepchild of England.
And most people think of America as the dumb, violent step-child of Canada...

Did you know that when Americans are travelling most of them say they're Canadian so people don't look at them like they're retarded?
And most people think of America as the dumb, violent step-child of Canada...

Did you know that when Americans are travelling most of them say they're Canadian so people don't look at them like they're retarded?
I don't know if this is true, but I could definitely see it happening.