What do you suggest should of been done?
Btw. She wasn't passively resisting
Watch the videos and wait for the third one to come out.
haven't I already answered this question? What more do you want me to say?

Until the cop put his hands on her, she was sitting at her desk and not a threat to anybody. Call that what you like but it doesn't justify beating or tazing.
The Black Lives Matter movement is about some people hurting people that they are supposed to be protecting. The point is that cops are beating and killing black people and its got to stop. By protesting, they bring out the ire of ignorant white people that say "what about us whites, we are being beaten too". Sure they are but not in the same proportion as blacks. Black Lives Matter is getting attention to a problem that has persisted in this country for too long. In part, the beat down that girl got became a touchstone and triggered quick response from local authorities because of the effort of this movement.

If you want to start a White Lives Matter movement, nobody will stop you. From what I've read of your postings, though, you hate police brutality as much as anybody. Its my guess that you are just poking people to get a reaction.
Judge Dismisses Manslaughter Charge Against Texas Cop in Shooting of Unarmed Black Man


Probably had nothing to do with race though. Purely coincidental.

At the moment, giving the cops' case to their best friends the prosecutor's office doesn't seem to result in much justice for people of any race. This is a systemic problem.

The fact that a disproportionate number of black people are victimized by this current situation is a racial problem.
If thats the case why are black ppl racist against one another? I've lived with black ppl and they treat each other like shit. There is no white guy giving blacks an agenda against each other. You need to fix your mentality and your way of thinking before you can make white folks change what they see.
Judge Dismisses Manslaughter Charge Against Texas Cop in Shooting of Unarmed Black Man


Probably had nothing to do with race though. Purely coincidental.

"Kleinert was among 54 officers to be charged in fatal on-duty shootings between 2005 and 2014,according to a Washington Post analysis published earlier this year. So far this year, the report says, there have been more than 800 fatal on-duty police shootings that have resulted in charges against five officers." -from the article.

800 shootings and only 5 cases?!?! THIS YEAR?!?!?

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If thats the case why are black ppl racist against one another? I've lived with black ppl and they treat each other like shit. There is no white guy giving blacks an agenda against each other. You need to fix your mentality and your way of thinking before you can make white folks change what they see.
Thank you captain race relations. I'll take that under consideration. Nothing like a white guy telling black folk how to act.
If thats the case why are black ppl racist against one another? I've lived with black ppl and they treat each other like shit. There is no white guy giving blacks an agenda against each other. You need to fix your mentality and your way of thinking before you can make white folks change what they see.

This isn't a black problem. Plenty of white people hate other white people, why aren't you mentioning that? I think your mentality is the one that needs changing.
Thank you captain race relations. I'll take that under consideration. Nothing like a white guy telling black folk how to act.

No man, in the famous words of Tommy Lee Jones, sometimes you just have to assert yourself, step up and tell him to go screw himself. I just did! And it felt good!
This isn't a black problem. Plenty of white people hate other white people, why aren't you mentioning that? I think your mentality is the one that needs changing.
They dont call each other light skin white or dark skin white. They dont kill each other by the masses. Yes its a cultural issue and classism issue. But even the latins will tell you blacks in jail dont have the same unity as whites and latins have to one another.