White people, particularly men:

Can't answer the question?

Deflection time!

It must be hard surviving day to day with such a limited intellectual capacity...

Is that why you joined the military? Aside from the guaranteed cheese when you're finished obviously.
I don't support Obama, ya dingus. So I don't really care to answer your questions, I'm just trolling you because you're too little to do anything about it. You can call him a token black guy all you want though, your racist comments against the president don't really hurt me.
You're not smart enough to catch me doing anything.

You must really have a shitty life. You seem jealous because others didn't make the same poor decisions you did. Just keep in mind that opportunity squandered is only your fault.

Now I think I'll get my black ass up and go pick up some white chicks at the brasserie. The French girls like me for some reason.
Any black people that disagree with Uncle Buck are not black.

Sorry to inform you, but you sir, are now white. Kiss those French girls goodbye.
Where im from, white people have a much harder time then any other race on these islands. Cpt. Cooks fault.

according to my native hawaiian cousin, the whites are the ones living in million dollar homes while the natives try to cling to what little they have left on those islands.

so yeah, i guess you are totally persecuted in that way.
Neither are you. Worse, you're sitting on your ass, pointing fingers and trying to blame someone else. Nice try, won't fly here.
Actually I do volunteer work in minority communities atleast 3 out of 5 working days. I also have investments in minority businesses. I also employ minority workers. I am pretty sure I am the most active person on this site when it comes to minority communities.
Actually I do volunteer work in minority communities atleast 3 out of 5 working days. I also have investments in minority businesses. I also employ minority workers. I am pretty sure I am the most active person on this site when it comes to minority communities.

i am pretty sure you do lead paint remediation in order to collect government cheese because you are too low skilled to do actual carpentry work.
according to my native hawaiian cousin, the whites are the ones living in million dollar homes while the natives try to cling to what little they have left on those islands.

so yeah, i guess you are totally persecuted in that way.
Hawaii has been leaning anti white for at least a few decades now. They will tolerate tourists going there and spending money, but if you're white in Hawaii, you better be able to afford to send your kids to a private school. The last day of school has long been unofficially designated "Kill Haole Day," with white students singled out for harassment and violence. (Haole — pronounced how-lee — is slang for a foreigner, usually white, and sometimes is used as a racial slur.)
Hawaii has been leaning anti white for at least a few decades now. They will tolerate tourists going there and spending money, but if you're white in Hawaii, you better be able to afford to send your kids to a private school. The last day of school has long been unofficially designated "Kill Haole Day," with white students singled out for harassment and violence. (Haole — pronounced how-lee — is slang for a foreigner, usually white, and sometimes is used as a racial slur.)

how horrible. such oppression. the white families must keep their kids at home for a day in their million dollar homes while the natives are relegated to slums. sounds rough, for the white people in particular.
Actually I do volunteer work in minority communities atleast 3 out of 5 working days. I also have investments in minority businesses. I also employ minority workers. I am pretty sure I am the most active person on this site when it comes to minority communities.

Fair enough, then!

To answer your question about why I'm not involved in fixing the Quawpaw quarter;

1. I don't live in AR anymore, thank goodness!

2. It's not a job to be done with shovels and backhoes until the job of reforming the racist local government is addressed

3. I AM working on a project to better people's lives, right now, in Colorado where I live and everywhere else people might want fresh food, widely and cheaply available.

I'm thinking of finding a volunteer food kitchen and helping cook for the disadvantaged here in town. I might end up working through SAINT or possibly the food bank, I'm not sure yet how it works.
how horrible. such oppression. the white families must keep their kids at home for a day in their million dollar homes while the natives are relegated to slums. sounds rough, for the white people in particular.
It was one singular example of how people are targeted because of their race in Hawaii. A person's bank account is not relevant in this matter. Hate crimes are never ok. You've just been brainwashed into thinking it is, so long as the victim is white
It was one singular example of how people are targeted because of their race in Hawaii.

it must be tough to have to stay home in your million dollar home all day, while the natives have to leave the slums they have been de facto segregated into by the white men who took over the islands.
it must be tough to have to stay home in your million dollar home all day, while the natives have to leave the slums they have been de facto segregated into by the white men who took over the islands.
Maybe if you off yourself, you wouldn't ever have to worry about going where you should not be. If the "white man" never annexed Hawaii, then they would all be speaking Japanese right now.
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  1. (often in legal use) the ending, reduction, or lessening of something.

[ri-mee-dee-ey-shuh n]
Spell Syllables
the correction of something bad or defective.

damn, you are stupid sistah. but keep trying. that's all you can do.


Yes I know the meanings of each. Do a search but add lead to it... lead remediation... and you will get lead abatement. Also do a search on the differences between lead abatement and lead remediation... ah whatever....

but once again, no matter how hard to try to deny and abate(cover) it, your bigotry is bubbling over...

by using the term "sistah" and your insult to my "carpentry" skills. lets break this down...

1. the spelling of sistah... racist.
2. knowing I am a man and calling me a sistah like it would be an insult... bigot
3. knowing I am an owner and have black employees yet insult their carpentry skills... racist, bigot

of course you can try to spin it, and you will, but anyone paying attention sees through your bullshit.
WTF is lead paint remediation? Something you just made up?

Yes I know the meanings of each. Do a search but add lead to it... lead remediation... and you will get lead abatement.


are you stupid or something?

1. the spelling of sistah... racist.

why are you confusing my sassiness with racism, sistah?

I am an owner and have black employees

do they know how racist you are?
according to my native hawaiian cousin, the whites are the ones living in million dollar homes while the natives try to cling to what little they have left on those islands.

so yeah, i guess you are totally persecuted in that way.
Its not just white people who live in big homes. Every street of this entire state has mixed raced neighbors with hawaiians being the least common in an upscale area. You will never see an all white/all black all same race neighborhood here. Obviously the natives are still pissed. Who wouldnt be? The culture was overthrown to sit in an american history book. They have been pissed well over decades.
How do you have a native hawaiian cousin?
All it takes is 2 bedrooms and a bathroom to hit 1mill+ lol