Well-Known Member
looks like I will be getting a big fine come tax time...this next tax season will be my second year of no health insurance
Yep further instating that life would be better if you were just poor and dependent on the government

If hitlery makes pres the official seal of the US will state arbeit macht frei

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Fining someone who can't afford health care is bullshit. I'm sure someone will play the religion card eventually since some people don't believe in medicine etc.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Isn't the fine you speak of like $600? I don't know if that's 'big'... I'm sure it sucks... it will suck worse if you get sick and run up a multi thousand dollar med bill. It happens.
ACA Fines for not being a good provider.

The fee for not having health insurance in 2016
The fee is calculated 2 different ways – as a percentage of your household income, and per person. You’ll pay whichever is higher.

Percentage of income
  • 2.5% of household income
  • Maximum: Total yearly premium for the national average price of a Bronze plan sold through the Marketplace
Per person
  • $695 per adult
  • $347.50 per child under 18
  • Maximum: $2,085


Well-Known Member
Get your deductions set at a level where you no longer get a refund and then have fun watching the IRS try to collect your penalty.


Well-Known Member
Sad that in the civilized world, we're the only country having this discussion.

Non profit hospitals fleece us for trillions and have the balls to coordinate fundraisers for their new cancer center

And Americans are ranked low in most health metrics

We are fucking stupid Americans


Well-Known Member
so you were just planning on having us cover your inevitable medical bills, and you're pissed off that you're getting a little taste of what that would be like for us?

damn, entitled little prick.
actually in less then a year I will be 65 and have medicare... I got out of the marine corps in 1976 I have been to the doctor ONE TIME since 1976 for a tetanus shot for stepping on a nail that cost me $160 CASH for office visit and shot... that is 39 fucking healthy years... by the way do you have mental health insurance?
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Well-Known Member
actually in less then a year I will be 65 and have medicare... I got out of the marine corps in 1976 I have been to the doctor ONE TIME since 1976 for a tetanus shot for stepping on a nail that cost me $160 CASH for office visit and shot... that is 39 fucking healthy years... by the way do you have mental health insurance?
Do you not have children ?


Well-Known Member
actually in less then a year I will be 65 and have medicare... I got out of the marine corps in 1976 I have been to the doctor ONE TIME since 1976 for a tetanus shot for stepping on a nail that cost me $160 CASH for office visit and shot... that is 39 fucking healthy years... by the way do you have mental health insurance?
Wait, so you said you don't have healthcare and are going to get fined, but now you're saying you're on medicare? Which one is it?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
looks like I will be getting a big fine come tax time...this next tax season will be my second year of no health insurance
Yep, watched that same situation on local news last night. Interview was of a black student at U. of Texas who has opted to pay the $695 fine cause she can't afford Obamacare. This free stuff is bullshit. It's NOT free. That's what folks get when they voted this facist pig in. What a racket it's been from start to finish. First the under the table software issue where $600,000 went to some software firm that couldn't even get a simple registration website up, then people lost their doctors as The Messiah spewed one of his usual lies, "you can keep your doctor". Now Obamacare costs are rising...... some of finally getting it but unlike The Who's band famous line, "we won't get fooled again"....they taking it in the hiney hole and still believing.

I'm on Medicare and even though you and me spent a life time paying into the system it's still not cheap. I'm paying something like $115/mo. then there's supplemental insurance policy I pay for to the tune of $132/mo. and drug coverage of $18/mo. for low cost Tier I and II drugs. If I go to Tier III or IV, I pay big time. How's $80 for a colonoscopy prep kit that probably cost $5.00 to make?

We live near a small town where the hospital district is constantly rated in the top 100 of the nation and the care is incredible, first class. So I really can't complain.


Well-Known Member
The fun ends the moment you realize everything you own has a lien on it, your accounts are froze, and your payroll is being deducted.
Nope, wrong on all counts. The IRS can not jail you, put a lien on you, freeze your accounts, or make payroll deductions related to Obamacare penalties. Best they can do is assess the fine and then collect from a refund due you. Don't believe me, read the law.