White people, particularly men:

Now that's funny.

Thanks buck.
what can you build using only a ladder and a hammer?

Lmao, even a caveman can do it.
What's your problem @UncleBuck

Btw @UncleBuck what does a saw cost now? 100-200?
Well yeah, it doesn't take long to afford a saw in my business.

So what, after a day or so I could buy it and still pay my wage.

keep trying.
Funny, a bigot on this site entered the workfield for the first time in his life a couple of months ago and now pretends to be an expert on all things work related. Can any of you guess who that bigot is? Also have to wonder what kind of work this person could possibly be doing with his vast 2 months of experience....
Anytime you'd like to tell me I had something given to me I didn't work for, by all means, speak up.
I never said you did. On the contrary, I made this thread as a place for white guys like you to describe how they've been oppressed and persecuted. Thanks for participating in it to tell us how you've been discriminated against so much.
I never said you did. On the contrary, I made this thread as a place for white guys like you to describe how they've been oppressed and persecuted. Thanks for participating in it to tell us how you've been discriminated against so much.

I'm not so stupid that I didn't see through the bait.

I bit, and I expressed via honesty how wrong this thread is. I gave personal insight to the struggle of my "white" life without handouts or hand ups to support my argument.

This thread was created to divide and bash, what you people don't seem to understand is that we all have mountains to climb to gain success and it doesn't matter what race you are.

Nice try.
Cry some more.

Just imagine taking more of other people's money who actually work and it'll cheer you up.
I'm not crying, but you're projecting. You're obviously upset about the fact that you're under 5 feet tall and you're also clearly jealous of my veteran's benefits. Maybe if you were a full grown man you could become a soldier.