White people, particularly men:

You seem really upset, you poor oppressed white guy, it must be so hard being you.

Anytime son.

What you're apparently missing is that your little thread is very transparent.
So create a thread like this and then try to claim it's about something different.

Yeah, everyone's dumb and can't see the motivation.
Wtg smart guy..
Anytime son.

What you're apparently missing is that your little thread is very transparent.
So create a thread like this and then try to claim it's about something different.

Yeah, everyone's dumb and can't see the motivation.
Wtg smart guy..
So you're saying that I am oppressing white men by making a special thread just for them to vent about how hard it is being a white guy?
Why would you say that? Do you think white men shouldn't have a thread to complain about the oppression and persecution they face?

Maybe the title?

Extremely divisive and race baiting.
Some of you guys think you're so smart you can bait and run, then come back and add jabs.

This thread is divisive and created with the intention to incite argument based upon race the perceived benefits of one over the other.

It should all be the same, colour doesn't matter, race doesn't matter, everyone should be treated equal.

If you people really believed in equality, you wouldn't start bait threads, rather, you would encourage being treated as equals rather than causing division or drawing on complaints about how you're so hard done by.

The more you guys try to say this is about anything else, you just look like bigger idiots.
Maybe the title?

Extremely divisive and race baiting.
Some of you guys think you're so smart you can bait and run, then come back and add jabs.

This thread is divisive and created with the intention to incite argument based upon race the perceived benefits of one over the other.

It should all be the same, colour doesn't matter, race doesn't matter, everyone should be treated equal.
Why is it divisive? Are you suggesting white men don't deserve to have their very own thread to vent about the oppression and persecution they face?

Why is it divisive? Are you suggesting white men don't deserve to have their very own thread to vent about the oppression and persecution they face?

Why would the colour of skin matter?

I don't care what colour someone is, there are idiots of all stripes and colours as clearly displayed by you and others in this thread.

So start more threads intended to bait and divide.

What is wrong with you people? The whole calling people racists and then starting your own racist or race baiting threads is sadly funny. I laugh at my dog all of the time because he's pretty dumb, yet, reading posts I see the usual suspects in brings far more laughs than my dog ( who tries to eat his own balls in a somersault pose ).

Read more, type less, do something for yourselves and quit crying.
Because white men face so much discrimination and oppression.

Everyone does.
Threads like this are part of the problem because it shows thoughts, intellect and intention.

Those who treat others and respect others as equals highlight possibilities rather than divisions or seek to divide.

We are all treated differently in ways but we shouldn't be, but as long as there are people crying about how hard done by they are and not working toward equality and solutions we always will be. That doesn't mean someone can't do something for themselves via their means and be successful. Everyone has different resources to tap into.

Equality over division, work toward a common goal and prosperity.

I know some of you wont understand or accept that.
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This thread shows so much more than that. You poor oppressed white guy.

It must be so hard being you...

That cops a dick. No doubt.
I've seen white kids or white people take it from cops too, he'll I've even seen Asians take it. Hmmm........

Anyways, you know what the intention of the thread is, so does everyone else.
You poor repressed, who gives a fuck what you are aside from a blow hard, race baiting loser.

No worries.

Have fun, when you have anything of validity you can reach me at @ricky1lung
Until then, have fun and keep trying.
It's right there in the title. It's a thread for white guys to vent about how hard it is being white guys in America. All that rampant oppression against white guys must be having an effect on your cognition.

Not mine son.
Right there in the title, I know.
But wait! The thread took the direction the OP expected while posting a race baiting thread.

Oh I know, some abondonconflict, some createconflict, others, we stand up to blatant idiocy.
Funny how I expressed how hard I had to work and had nothing given to me, then the op comes in claiming I'm oppressed in a sarcastic way and defends his race baiting thread as being about how hard done by white people are.

Do you read what you say @abandonconflict or do you just spout off without a care?
Funny how I expressed how hard I had to work and had nothing given to me, then the op comes in claiming I'm oppressed in a sarcastic way and defends his race baiting thread as being about how hard done by white people are.

Do you read what you say @abandonconflict or do you just spout off without a care?
Aw, you poor oppressed white guy...

It must be so hard being a white guy in America.
Read back a bit to see your contradictions and how dumb you look.

It's only a few posts back, you should be ok.
What contradiction? This is a thread for butt hurt white guys to vent about how oppressed they are and you're a butt hurt white guy who has clearly been persecuted and oppressed.
What contradiction? This is a thread for butt hurt white guys to vent about how oppressed they are and you're a butt hurt white guy who has clearly been persecuted and oppressed.

Nope, not at all.
I'm a white guy who made the best of what I had and used it to work toward a better life.

The contradiction is how you seem to jump on a guy claiming he's oppressed because he had to work as a white man. Did I complain? Did I claim to be oppressed? No I didn't, but because I said I had to work hard all of a sudden I'm oppressed? You jumpped on me because I'm a successful white guy and it fit your agenda when you created this thread.

Fuck that, I'm a hard worker with the intellect to make something for myself. Something almost anyone can do.

I clearly stated that even people without money, who worked shit jobs could become successful by using their skills to work for themselves rather than be a greeter for the evil Walmart types.

You and uncledumbfuck chose to spin it to suit your agendas. Each are equally wrong.