
Well-Known Member
Your insults are bland, lack subtlety, they aren't even original and demonstrate your low level of confidence in blazing your own troll path.

I'm afraid you're sort of a b level douchebag and I'm going to have to give you a little less time until you improve. It's nothing personal.
That won't break my heart.... I have no interest in talking to a child molester


Well-Known Member
See? We've worked it out! I'm not too fond of talking to people that engage in oral sex with dead farm animals.
I would place somebody who has sex w dead farm animals way above child molesters....you're the absolute lowest form of life.... Not even human

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I would place somebody who has sex w dead farm animals way above child molesters....you're the absolute lowest form of life.... Not even human
I'm not going to ask you how you gained the experience to formulate your pervert rating system....(walks away slowly shaking his head)


Well-Known Member
Hillary's State Department paid men on average of 16,000$ more annually than women.
Think about that next time she cackles about "equal pay for women"


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be news if the cop was black.... But a black cop would NOT do that
The cop was white. The girl was black. You keep writing about imaginary scenarios so that you can deny that this was a racist attack by a white cop on a black girl. You make up a scenario and then say "see? it can happen to anybody!" Do you think that this argument is original or convincing in any way? My god you are stupid.

Reasonable people think that this was a racist attack. There is no proof, just the facts and the statistics. She was black, the attacking cop was white. Black people are being killed by cops at higher rates than whites, some studies put the rate 21 times higher for blacks than whites. Especially for black parents who are worried for their kids lives every time they have a police interaction, its reasonable to think the attack was a direct outcome of the man's racism.


Well-Known Member
The cop was white. The girl was black. You keep writing about imaginary scenarios so that you can deny that this was a racist attack by a white cop on a black girl. You make up a scenario and then say "see? it can happen to anybody!" Do you think that this argument is original or convincing in any way? My god you are stupid.

Reasonable people think that this was a racist attack. There is no proof, just the facts and the statistics. She was black, the attacking cop was white. Black people are being killed by cops at higher rates than whites, some studies put the rate 21 times higher for blacks than whites. Especially for black parents who are worried for their kids lives every time they have a police interaction, its reasonable to think the attack was a direct outcome of the man's racism.
Guilty til proven innocent because he's white?.... That's original


Well-Known Member
This dude is white fo sure^^^ but what does it matter where this happened? Its every school in the inner city. Not where ur rich ass kids go bruh!
I am white, mostly, except for the Mexican. No rich ass kids though. In fact the hood I grew up is probably worse than the one where your high school is.

So hating cops and thinking that children should not be desensitized to this sort of violence makes me white and rich?


Well-Known Member
"because he's white?"

No, because she was black and he is a cop. Am I being unfair? Maybe. Until the statistics say otherwise, I'm going to call cop on black crime a racist event. I don't have to make up a scenario to justify my conclusion like you do.
That doesn't work tho because not all cops are white... And as we've learned in this thread black people can't be racist