Over watered, underwatered?


Well-Known Member
In your pics I see that the little plant is sitting in water..it has a container under it with water over the drainage holes...only do that for a few minutes when watering to control overflow...then take the plants out of the standing water right after watering...let them dry out (drain thoroughly) a bit before any further watering...

I have started many seedlings using only the sun...IMO you have no light problem.
Seems like over watering or keeping the soil too moist.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
The roots where about a half inCh long coming out of the rockwhool
Do you have a cfl? Put it in a cooler environment with less intense light,dont water too much for the first week. But definetly dont let it completly dry out, if you have to, foliar water 2/3 times a day and use absolutely NO nutes for now.


Well-Known Member
In your pics I see that the little plant is sitting in water..it has a container under it with water over the drainage holes...only do that for a few minutes when watering to control overflow...then take the plants out of the standing water right after watering...let them dry out (drain thoroughly) a bit before any further watering...

I have started many seedlings using only the sun...IMO you have no light problem.
Seems like over watering or keeping the soil too moist.
Good Luck
I was going to point out there have been times where rockwool has held to much water for me, and also was the rockwool soaked in ph ballanced water prior to planting the seed? Maybe wrong ph from the rockwool, and possibly to moisture from it, exspeciall if it got squeezed or crushed at all


Well-Known Member
So here is an update &
The plant got a bit better and now doing bad again.

The leaves feel kinda firm now < idk if that helps
& also the I think the ventilation seems to be drying up the top part of soil pretty fast
When I stick my finger in it feels wet
And pretty cold

Can't figure out why it looks like this...
Maybe 1 of the things listed above??

I'm also wondering if it got too much nutrients ?
I know the soil I'm using has a small amount and I gave a very small dose of earth juice sugar peak 1 part veg when I put it in the soil

Temps are now ranging 79-73
I just can't figure it out.

Glad I only got 1 instead of the 12 I had planned on doing


Well-Known Member
So, I've read through posts, I never add nutes when trans planting. What I do is this, I fill the new pot with soil, add some water, this is done to be sure all the soil is moist, then i make a small hole, actually use solo cups so i push cup in to the level it will 'sit', add 1/4 teaspoon of mycos, set plant in, top off with soil, then litely water the added soil. Thats it. I keep light 3 to 4 feet away from a single 600 until plants show signs of growing, by then they have 'hardened off' and now can be set closer to the light. cooler temps are at floor level and B4 lights come on a certain amount of wilting would be normal. I think too much went on in the initial trans plant. Your soil already had some ferts in it. If you are 100% sure that all the soil was wet (especially under the cube), then overwatering is likely. What changed from the photo that shows a healthy plant, to the last photo where its all droopy?