<3 mods

First, the mods here do an OK job? Maybe they should not post except officially? How about you take your shoes off at the door instead of running your flapper? If i was a mod id change your name to binkysuckindave and make your avitar a shitty diaper ya baby. if you wanna cry go find another website like bedwetters united, or limpdicksanonymous. Maybe youll feel more at home with some kids your own age, that way you can all cry yourselves to sleep cause daddy didnt pay enough attention to you. :lol:

Its funny cause its true right? Now go sleep on your plastic sheets and suck your thumb while you cry yourself to sleep cause the mods are allowed to add to the dialogue.

I will give you that if this was a thread to give kudos and kudos only to our mods then my post is probably misplaced and I apologize to the OP.

I cannot apologize for my "ok" rating and opinion about how mods conduct business here. My experience is obviously different than yours. You probably haven't had the cancer following you around the grow threads insinuating you are a racist and white supremacist because you held a less rigid view of global warming than he did. I just never quite understood how the mods would delete a post from this puke and he would repeat it moments later in another thread without repercussion. Is that not showing more disrespect than me suggesting they are "ok"?

Awww but the oh so brave Alienwidow is not seen anywhere protesting that behavior but instead sees my not quite glowing report and jumps all over me for a pretty vanilla take on the situation here and decides to put his big boy pants on pump himself up. The internet bad boy. So if I am the bed wetter then you are a coward and a drama queen. But, don't feel bad as in general I think you are OK too and generally appreciate what you have to add...I might feel worse if I felt the caricature you provided here was based on truth instead of on assuption and ignorance.

In general, I particularly enjoy SunnI's and GWN's posts outside of their mod duties, but have witnessed a definate conflict of interest at times here.

Feel free to unbunch your panties now.
I will give you that if this was a thread to give kudos and kudos only to our mods then my post is probably misplaced and I apologize to the OP.

I cannot apologize for my "ok" rating and opinion about how mods conduct business here. My experience is obviously different than yours. You probably haven't had the cancer following you around the grow threads insinuating you are a racist and white supremacist because you held a less rigid view of global warming than he did. I just never quite understood how the mods would delete a post from this puke and he would repeat it moments later in another thread without repercussion. Is that not showing more disrespect than me suggesting they are "ok"?

Awww but the oh so brave Alienwidow is not seen anywhere protesting that behavior but instead sees my not quite glowing report and jumps all over me for a pretty vanilla take on the situation here and decides to put his big boy pants on pump himself up. The internet bad boy. So if I am the bed wetter then you are a coward and a drama queen. But, don't feel bad as in general I think you are OK too and generally appreciate what you have to add...I might feel worse if I felt the caricature you provided here was based on truth instead of on assuption and ignorance.

In general, I particularly enjoy SunnI's and GWN's posts outside of their mod duties, but have witnessed a definate conflict of interest at times here.

Feel free to unbunch your panties now.
as in real life, not everybody can get along all the time. It's how we learn and grow from the experience that defines us. :peace:
I will give you that if this was a thread to give kudos and kudos only to our mods then my post is probably misplaced and I apologize to the OP.

I cannot apologize for my "ok" rating and opinion about how mods conduct business here. My experience is obviously different than yours. You probably haven't had the cancer following you around the grow threads insinuating you are a racist and white supremacist because you held a less rigid view of global warming than he did. I just never quite understood how the mods would delete a post from this puke and he would repeat it moments later in another thread without repercussion. Is that not showing more disrespect than me suggesting they are "ok"?

Awww but the oh so brave Alienwidow is not seen anywhere protesting that behavior but instead sees my not quite glowing report and jumps all over me for a pretty vanilla take on the situation here and decides to put his big boy pants on pump himself up. The internet bad boy. So if I am the bed wetter then you are a coward and a drama queen. But, don't feel bad as in general I think you are OK too and generally appreciate what you have to add...I might feel worse if I felt the caricature you provided here was based on truth instead of on assuption and ignorance.

In general, I particularly enjoy SunnI's and GWN's posts outside of their mod duties, but have witnessed a definate conflict of interest at times here.

Feel free to unbunch your panties now.
Totally understand where you're coming from. Sometimes things don't seem "fair" so to speak.

I do have to stop you before you say too many things your can't take back about Alienwidow. He's a very good man and if you pick on him I will have to EAT YOUR SOUL!!!

hahah. Not really. You're totally entitled to your very own opinion on anything. Isn't that the best part about being human?

Keep on fighting the good fight. And try to let that which does not matter truly slide...
Totally understand where you're coming from. Sometimes things don't seem "fair" so to speak.

I do have to stop you before you say too many things your can't take back about Alienwidow. He's a very good man and if you pick on him I will have to EAT YOUR SOUL!!!

hahah. Not really. You're totally entitled to your very own opinion on anything. Isn't that the best part about being human?

Keep on fighting the good fight. And try to let that which does not matter truly slide...
Until very recently :) , I had the same opinion of Alianwidow. Win some. Lose some.
I have witnessed hypocrisy amongst at least one mod. I have seen better modded forums. I have not witnessed any consistency, and considering the vitriol that comes from one individual in particular on this forum. (Think John Candy movie) and the rules of the Cafe (" Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately." )which don't seem to be enforced considering that this individuals hate filled posts still exist and that this member is not banned leaves one to wonder.....
I am starting to get worried. I tagged some people so I could up my posts and like count, but no one has responded yet. I am having a rough day you guys. But, don't worry, I promise no more selfies. I don't even do that anymore. It's just kinda sad and selfish. Afterall, this is just a weed growing site, and I have no intrinsical value whatsoever.
Post another selfie. I missed the last one.
First, the mods here do an OK job. I am thinking maybe they should not post except officially.Otherwise it seems that total assholes, who are really cancers here, become their friends and they spend half their time cleaning up after them instead of banning them.

Last, if the cat also was a total asshole and still a fraidy cat would it then be called...
Butthole, butthole,
pussy, pussy, pussy?

Side note: funny the spelling suggestion for "butthole" was "buttonhole".
Remember that time you threatened to kill me with baseball bat?
I will give you that if this was a thread to give kudos and kudos only to our mods then my post is probably misplaced and I apologize to the OP.

I cannot apologize for my "ok" rating and opinion about how mods conduct business here. My experience is obviously different than yours. You probably haven't had the cancer following you around the grow threads insinuating you are a racist and white supremacist because you held a less rigid view of global warming than he did. I just never quite understood how the mods would delete a post from this puke and he would repeat it moments later in another thread without repercussion. Is that not showing more disrespect than me suggesting they are "ok"?

Awww but the oh so brave Alienwidow is not seen anywhere protesting that behavior but instead sees my not quite glowing report and jumps all over me for a pretty vanilla take on the situation here and decides to put his big boy pants on pump himself up. The internet bad boy. So if I am the bed wetter then you are a coward and a drama queen. But, don't feel bad as in general I think you are OK too and generally appreciate what you have to add...I might feel worse if I felt the caricature you provided here was based on truth instead of on assuption and ignorance.

In general, I particularly enjoy SunnI's and GWN's posts outside of their mod duties, but have witnessed a definate conflict of interest at times here.

Feel free to unbunch your panties now.
Remember when you were sending me death threats?

You are a class act dave.
Post another selfie. I missed the last one.
He never posted selfies. He was talking about someone else.

I wonder who?

Hahaha. I thought it was pretty obvious. And a very clever loop hole to the whole "name calling is not tolerated" thing.

So, basically everything he said about himself, selfies, not contributing, etc etc etc was all a dig at another member.

Give you 1 guess to figure it out.
He never posted selfies. He was talking about someone else.

I wonder who?

Hahaha. I thought it was pretty obvious. And a very clever loop hole to the whole "name calling is not tolerated" thing.

So, basically everything he said about himself, selfies, not contributing, etc etc etc was all a dig at another member.

Give you 1 guess to figure it out.
Was he talking about slim tim?
I have witnessed hypocrisy amongst at least one mod. I have seen better modded forums. I have not witnessed any consistency, and considering the vitriol that comes from one individual in particular.

....hate filled posts still exist and that this member is not banned leaves one to wonder.....