White people, particularly men:

The white chicks will probably suck dicks in the private dance rooms for less then 60 dollar's. The African American dance performers don't stoop to those white trash levels.. They were so graceful and athletic the whites were on zanax and pathetic.. It gave me great pleasure to watch her pick up her 10 dollars ass naked. I'm not proud to admit that.. But the tables were turned and I enjoyed it.
Of course, no fault there. I wouldn't post pictures of myself either..

But considering our circumstances. How do we substantiate that you are in fact what you say you are in light of my accusations?

You say you're a brown guy with brown marks, I say you're a white guy with red marks. The problem is, your claim "Funniest thing is, I'm not even white..." relies on visual verification. So if you're not willing to provide said verification to prove your own claims, I would suggest to you that you probably shouldn't make those kind of claims in the first place. I'm sure it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, right, Harrekin?
Lots of olive/brown people in Europe...

It's not exactly like I said I'm a pink unicorn.
Heehee, yeah right! AC lives next to the US border with Mexico, he could throw a rock and it would land in Tijuana.

It's nothing like the lack of diversity in Memphis or Birmingham or somewhere!

Lack of diversity in Memphis? I guess it lacks diversity since it is 63% of one race.
I wonder how many other cries of racism are exactly this...

Bitch is taking pictures and running her mouth, and the cops were just warning her so she didn't get her ass run over. Fuck these types

Black dogs are put down at a much higher rate than yellow/golden labs.
I dunno about the rules there, but here a club is one of the few legal entities that can freely discriminate based on whatever criteria they feel fit.

Does frats count as clubs?

Still a pretty shitty way to be acting in this day and age.
Really? You go to the rules of a club? You should be outraged that this is allowed on a college campus in America. But then again, you're not the one being (constantly) discriminated against. This happens all of the time, and that's exactly what these organizations hide behind. But I'll ask you to look past the surface if this particular episode and tell me what you see. Understand this, this is Yale, so what you're looking at willfully participating in racial discrimination is (for better or for worse) your next generation of Senators, Congressmen, CEO's, etc. This is America's next class of "leaders". I'll just leave it there because I realize that I can get a bit long winded when it concerns these issues.