Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

Angus You are quite welcome. I am always glad to help anyone switch to Organics.
It's just a better, simpler way to grow. & Cheaper most of the time.
I too like Organics. I don't know much about them but what I've been able to red in the forums. I use alfalfa meal, bat guano, molasses, and fish emulsion in my tea.
Ohsogreen, the tea that you make, would this be the same idea as using a liquid plant food(Fox Farm for example)? Basically what I am saying is, you only feed your plants with this all organic tea and no store bought stuff?

I am a first time grower and decided organics over hydro.

i have tons-O-questions to ask, hope you can help.
Ohsogreen, the tea that you make, would this be the same idea as using a liquid plant food(Fox Farm for example)? Basically what I am saying is, you only feed your plants with this all organic tea and no store bought stuff?

I am a first time grower and decided organics over hydro.

i have tons-O-questions to ask, hope you can help.
Yes.. Basically I do just that. I make rabbit manure, chicken manure, worm castings & bat guano teas - and use them as my primary fertilizer sources.
Now, if you live in an apartment - Foxfarm is great. But if you live, where you can bubble some tea on the back porch, backyard or in the garage - Why no do it yourself & save some dough....
Feel free to ask all the questions you want and I ( and many others ) will help.
Keep it Real...Organic....
Yes.. Basically I do just that. I make rabbit manure, chicken manure, worm castings & bat guano teas - and use them as my primary fertilizer sources.
Now, if you live in an apartment - Foxfarm is great. But if you live, where you can bubble some tea on the back porch, backyard or in the garage - Why no do it yourself & save some dough....
Feel free to ask all the questions you want and I ( and many others ) will help.
Keep it Real...Organic....

Can we PM on these forums? haha

i have no problem making up my own tea! Now I need to do some more research as to what tea to make and when its best to use it. i saw another of your post where you had said you use a certain tea at a certain time of the plants growth.

I dont want to hijack this guys thread, but I have one more question:

what is your soild consist of? i was thinking of Fox farm Ocean Forest and this a good soil mixture or could other stuff be added to it?

thank you soo much!
That is a great mixture in my opinion... on my first grow with it. My only reccomendation is that you can't put too much perlite in it. I would reccomend as much as 2:3 mix of perlite to soil mix.

It seems that ocean forest is definitely enriched enough that it feeds your plants up to the first tea application at the very least.

Happy planting!
Hey Ohso..... Maximum respect and the most positive of vibrations to you.

I can now die in peace knowing you are carrying forward the organic ways.

Don't forget the Mycorrhizae. Root and Mycorr get along famously.

Jah, Rastafar InI
ohso, When you water are you using pure water our the molasses water mix?
Buffalosoulja... From week 1 until week 3 (only plain unchlorinated water). At week three, a regular strength dose of Super Plant Tonic. Then I wait two or three days and feed a low dose (grow tea). With an NPK range of 4-2-4 to 6-3-6.
After that, 1/2 strength SPT with plain water every week, feedings every two weeks. But the soil, I start in already has Organic fertilizers (compost, bunny manure or bat guano, & alfalfa meal) mixed in. That is why I feed lightly. I want the roots to spread out looking for food and water.
If you start out with strong does of fertilizer, you basically hender root development. Since, Mary only stretches here roots as far as she needs to get food & water.
If you water on the outside rim of your container, or six inches out from the main stem - she will reach out for the water - improving root growth. Then the myco fungi in SPT have more root surface to tap into and feed.
Doing it this way, keeps Mary shorter & bushier - which is what I prefer.
Then as time goes by, I increase the strength of my teas just slightly. If in between feedings, a plant starts to show any sign of needing something. I adjust as I go. In my book, feeding low, slow & steady gets better results.
If you overwater and overfertilize, you cause so many problems - they become much harder to sort out.
Hope this Helps.....
Keep it Real... Organic... sorry, it took me so long to respond....
Hey Ohso..... Maximum respect and the most positive of vibrations to you.
I can now die in peace knowing you are carrying forward the organic ways.
Don't forget the Mycorrhizae. Root and Mycorr get along famously.
Jah, Rastafar InI
Grandfather... Thanks for the compliment. But don't check out just yet. Solid Organic Knowledge is needed in these troubling times of High Dollar Fert Company Dominance. They are steadily trying to brainwash the younger generation into buying $ 15 - 25 dollar a bottle ferts - Man, that's just Criminal. (Corporate Greed - chasing a dollar).
We the older (seasoned) generation need to pass on the basics to show, growing does not have to be expensive or require a lab coat. I heard an old guy say one " Closer to Nature - Closer to Right " and I can't agree more. Soil with life in it, grows better buds.
I try to get on here a least every other day, but it doesn't always happen - work, family functions and life in general just gets busy sometimes. So, jump in and throw out some tips, tricks and seasoned common sense. We can all learn something new everyday - if someone shares.
Keep it Real...Organic.... & share the knowledge....
Peace to you & yours......:peace:
great thread. I m starting my first all organic SOG and am thrilled that Ive made the change.
Anhedonia.... + rep For taking the road less traveled. It is really the most rewarding one. We (OG's - Organic Growers) are glad you made the switch. Soon, you will see - it's not really hard & is definitely is less costly..
Nothing beats Organic Grown Bud.....
Closer to Nature - Closer to Right.
I dont want to hijack this guys thread, but I have one more question:

what does your soil consist of? i was thinking of Fox farm Ocean Forest and this a good soil mixture or could other stuff be added to it?
thank you soo much!
Meluvyoulongtime.... I mix my own soil several buckets at at time (using 5 gallons buckets). My formula is 2 parts compost, 1 part pertilite, 2 parts peat moss, 3 cups of worm castings, one cup of High N Bat Guano, one cup of alfalfa meal and with one half cup of dolimite lime. I then moisten it in the bucket and let it sit over night before use.
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is an excellant soil mix - like Drumsinttown said, I'd mix in some pertilite - but go easy on it. Keep it to 10-20 percent pertilite, since OF is already a light fluffy mix. Too much pertilite and it will float upwards, when watered heavily. OF is so well made, it does not need anything else. It is some real Kick-A*s stuff - worth every penny if you are not a DIY guy or just don't have the time to mix your own.
Hey ... Drumsinttown - my wife wants to know what happened to your " Big Sexy Cowboy " avatar....???? Don't get me wrong, she likes the Terminator too, but she really liked the cowboy.... :) She (looking over my shoulder) was confused when she saw your name, but no Cowboy Avatar.... Well, she just informed me, she will not hold it against you - since you are an OG.
Keep it Real...Organic.....
My girlfriend decided to take her phone pictures and start making me avatar pictures out of the cat....

so now you get... one big headache of a gif.

BTW... if you aren't familiar with who that was in the avatar pic, you HAVE to see trailer park boys. really funny canadian mockumentary show
This thread has brightened up my day. In June, I started my first indoor grow. Lots of friends told me their input, and most recommended a simple hydro system. I ignored all of them. I went with what I had on hand. Dirt, peat, coir, vermiculite, perlite, vermiculite, bat guano. Earthy products. I told them my experiences with smoking plants grown with similar products and never finding something that equaled it. I started simple, and slowly worked into top coats of guano and castings, and since I initiated flowering, I've started with guano/casting teas. Molasses is another I've worked in, though lightly, and have seen nothing but less gnats.

I've lost no plants, and 12 of 16 have been female. I pretended I was growing tomatoes back home on the farm.

I can't attest to the taste yet, but I can tell you that I've felt really good about it. It's actually been more medicinal than going to a cafe.

Keep on rocking out what Mother Earth gave us! Stick to her plan and you'll always be able to enjoy 'the stickiest of the icky!'
This thread has brightened up my day. In June, I started my first indoor grow. Lots of friends told me their input, and most recommended a simple hydro system. I ignored all of them. I went with what I had on hand. Dirt, peat, coir, vermiculite, perlite, vermiculite, bat guano. Earthy products. I told them my experiences with smoking plants grown with similar products and never finding something that equaled it. I started simple, and slowly worked into top coats of guano and castings, and since I initiated flowering, I've started with guano/casting teas. Molasses is another I've worked in, though lightly, and have seen nothing but less gnats.

I've lost no plants, and 12 of 16 have been female. I pretended I was growing tomatoes back home on the farm.

I can't attest to the taste yet, but I can tell you that I've felt really good about it. It's actually been more medicinal than going to a cafe.

Keep on rocking out what Mother Earth gave us! Stick to her plan and you'll always be able to enjoy 'the stickiest of the icky!'
Amen ! Closer to Nature - Closer to Right.
For the last 10 years, for me - only Soil - only Organic. All my Hydro friends compliment my bud and wish theirs tasted so..goooood........
Keep up the good work....spread the word......Organic Buds are Best !!!
Keep it Real....Organic....
My girlfriend decided to take her phone pictures and start making me avatar pictures out of the cat....

so now you get... one big headache of a gif.

BTW... if you aren't familiar with who that was in the avatar pic, you HAVE to see trailer park boys. really funny canadian mockumentary show
Drumsinttown....You avatar is Freakin Me Out Man... Freakin Me Out Man... Too much crazy cat action for Ohsogreen....Ah...AH...AHH..
Warning : Old people are more easily made dizzy or confused by rapidly moving objects, such as trippy cats - please proceed with care....
Yes...we've caught a few episodes of the Trailer Park Boys...incredably funny stuff... Canadian comedians are a blast, we used to watch another show called Boys in the Hall - allot tamer - but also funny.
Keep it Real...Organic.....
I LOVE Kids in the Hall! That show was hilarious!

Got a question for you again, Ohso. It's been pretty hot past couple of days, and I'm seeing just a few leaves on a couple of plants that look like the pix I've seen indoor plants that have been burned by the lights. They are a bit heat stressed, but the balcony has great air movement (called wind) and they've been doing a lot better since I got them pretty much dialed in with your previous advice. Should I worry about what I'm seeing?
Kids in the hall is the shit! Those are some crazy cross dressing fools. One of my favorites is the one where kevin mcdonald is sitting at a diner across from dave foley and he is discribing the movie citizen Kane but as he discribes it macdonald keeps telling him that hes dicribing citizen kane which he is doing to a tee but unwittingly refuting macdonald that he is indeed positively sure that the movie hes talking about is NOT citizen kane but it clearly is. And somone gets stabbed in the hand with a fork during thier arguement. ITs sooooooooooo funny!
I LOVE Kids in the Hall! That show was hilarious!

Got a question for you again, Ohso. It's been pretty hot past couple of days, and I'm seeing just a few leaves on a couple of plants that look like the pix I've seen indoor plants that have been burned by the lights. They are a bit heat stressed, but the balcony has great air movement (called wind) and they've been doing a lot better since I got them pretty much dialed in with your previous advice. Should I worry about what I'm seeing?
Heat Stress will stunt growth and can kill potted plants. It happens more easily because the pot only has a small volume of soil compared to in ground plants. That smaller volume of soil heats up much quicker than the ground, but it also will cool down quicker.
Since, you can easily move your plants. I would do so everyday or shade them, for an hour or two, during the hottest part of the day. That short break is all they really need to prevent getting root & foliar fried. A nice, retractable awning might be a good additional to your sun deck.
Keep it Real...Organic....