Best Aphrodiaiac Pot

gene fetter

Active Member
Planning my next grow and thought I would try something that would enhance sexual desire for my wife and myself! What pot would you suggest for enhancing "the mood"?
Good sex pot is something like a middle of the road in potency hybrid.
Doesn't get you too stoned or too racy.
I wish I kept track of the strains that really set the mood, but I can say stuff related to skunk is a really good bet.
My girlfriend and I had been hitting stuff like GSC and Kaya's Koffee real hard and it never really puts me in a good frame of mind getting overly stoned before hand.
Then on the other hand the hazes are already heart pounding in their high.
Pineapple Skunk is my fav mood enhancer, euphoric body stone with a joyful mental high, though never overwhelming, I just haven't screwed on it yet, lol.
Thanks for the reply Hermdog. Would Indica or Sativa be the type to grow. As I remember, indica used to put me in the "mood" but it could have been sativa. I was thinking about one of the Love potion strains but am not convinced as to what breeder to purchase from. Anyhow I have time to make my decision but hope more growers chime in!
I think a mid potency indicate is your best bet. Something that makes us giggle n social not zone out paranoid.
Maybe a la confidential or hybrid of it. Also the blue strains seem to do the trick and women tend to prefer the fruity terps
Racy pot can be incredible. I disagree about mids strongly. Get REALLY high and then try fucking on a great sativa... oh man. Memorable times. The connection you have with the other person really puts things at ease in my experience but if you're prone to anxiety be careful of course.

Not going to say a strong indica isn't good too, but strong sativas are preferable for me. But I also prefer them in general.
I've heard Kali Mist is a big hit w the ladies, however I think Western Winds is either very similar to that or the same thing.
I did a search on Black Buddha and can't find anything. Found some good leads here and on "Leafy" thanks everyone. Would like to find the Black Buddha though if anyone knows where to get it . I live in San Francisco.
I'd wait until I attempt to debunk the claims. It is a beautiful plant though. Bred by sagarmatha. This is a cut that has been floating around Willamette valley for a while. Hindu Buddha x Black Domina.
Mostly sativa are the most inspirational for me...all of the following create the intense ambiance required for spectacular intimacy.
Mandala's Satori
Blue Dream
bodhi's tranquil elephantizer, from their description, fits the bill perfectly, but is out of stock everywhere I've looked
I'd wait until I attempt to debunk the claims. It is a beautiful plant though. Bred by sagarmatha. This is a cut that has been floating around Willamette valley for a while. Hindu Buddha x Black Domina.

There was a strain floating around the central valley a few years back called Black Jesus which, I believe is a similar cross to what you describe.

Was an amazing smoke.
Recent discovery: Edibles and sex is the best.

Also - if you haven't tried it you should try tantric sex practices out. God damn. Ever had what seems like a 45 minute orgasm? Because it's possible. Even for dudes. One of the keys is learning that orgasm takes place before release, so you gotta learn to control release but yeah it's pretty awesome shit man. And cannabis helps a fuck tonne in making it easier to accomplish.