five weeks in do these look for a week since pistles?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. How do bud sites look for 1 week in flower?
They look good i mean really good. But at just 1 week u dont c 2 much action. Wait until week 4 at least. First 2 weeks of flower is 'almost' a stretch and transition from veg hormones to flowering hormones. Be patient. She's looking really good so far. Keep it up what u doing. I'll b watching. Toke on bro!! =====~~


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 2 foot t5 ho with 8 bulbs 4 42 watt CFLs and 2 24 watt CFLs. I also put them in the sun for 6 hours when I can on nice days
nice tight nodes. Keep it up they are loving the light, and the sun is nice bonus for them, just watch for pest infestation if u r putting them outdoors
"oz of prevention is worth a lb of cure"
But being they are flowering I would avoid spraying anything on them now that i think about it.
rambling,stoned. Nice work so far, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Roughly 2.5 -3wk also. Another pic example.
Candy cane auto

Edit: Oops wrong pic - Updated pic
Mine is one of 4 strains, not sure left over grouped together cuttings from a friend....either gg 4, wr, pe, and for the life of me i cant remember the other strain right now