Drying in high humidity?


I have high humidity at the moment where i live the RH is about 80-85% and harvest is coming up, buying a dehumidifier isn't an option although i do have a cheap one, can i still dry with good air circulation? I can move the plants a different house if needed but that's only last resort. what do you guys suggest?


Well-Known Member
If need be, you can buy the damprid disposable dehumidifiers, and stick one or two in the tent with the fan going. They are pretty cheap.


If need be, you can buy the damprid disposable dehumidifiers, and stick one or two in the tent with the fan going. They are pretty cheap.
Well I have a £60 dehumidifier in at the the moment it helps a little.. Will they still dry in 80% humidity if the fan is constantly blowing on them and the carbon filter running 24hour?


Well-Known Member
Don't know how your tent is set up, but you don't want to be pulling air in and discharging out through your carbon filter. If your tent is sealed and the dehumidifier is running it will drop, circulation in the tent should be low.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Here's what ya do: Pull the buds off the main stem, trim all the fan leaves off. Let them dry in your tent as you planned for a couple of days. Then add a desiccant product meant for garages or stored cars. Should be like $10. Seal the grow tent and use the fan to create a very turbulent environment. Very little air in or out, but very windy inside. This will allow the desiccant to dry the buds, while the high wind will prevent mould.

By doing this you should have a normal 5-10 day drying period.


Here's what ya do: Pull the buds off the main stem, trim all the fan leaves off. Let them dry in your tent as you planned for a couple of days. Then add a desiccant product meant for garages or stored cars. Should be like $10. Seal the grow tent and use the fan to create a very turbulent environment. Very little air in or out, but very windy inside. This will allow the desiccant to dry the buds, while the high wind will prevent mould.

By doing this you should have a normal 5-10 day drying period.
thanks il give this a try, with the carbon filter being off though wont that stink up the house?


In the 100x100x200 tent the humidity is about right 45-50% and temp is 25-28C its just outside the tent and the whole house is 80%+ humidity and temp about 20F. there isnt any mould in the room/house either. like i said i can move the plants to a dryer house to dry if needed as last resort


Would cutting the buds straight off the stalk and having them on a drying rack in the tent with a fan blowing on them be any better?


Well-Known Member
Direct air gets the outside crispy and the inside moist for a day or two until its just straight crispy. Less room for error with direct flow. Try the windy environment thing though, just not straight on the buds. Yes, cut them off the branches and place EM on a screen or similar.


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about explaining a smell, brew coffee frequently. How much you brew per brew can be 2 cups. Nobody has to know you're cover a scent and not addicted.
Corny, I know.

Pull the carbon filter fan off and cover the hole leftover. Circulate with the carbon filter fan as well to manage smells.


I have some to plant in Alaska next Spring! What do they smell like? Nice bud?
I cut one down early and the whole house stank for days even the mattress honked days after the plant was removed, deffo want some ordor control dealing with these.. great choice for a grow though man!